Again, uninvited guests

@RMRL how did the situation wrap up in the end? Did you review honestly, did they repond? Or did you give them a heads up? Or has 14 days not passed yet?

:laughing:. I did leave her (them) an honest review. There are a few things that I did not mention, but there are significant things that I did mention. Just from my feedback, a HO would have some idea of her character. I did not give the sitter a heads up before leaving feedback. I have not received a review from the sitters. Even though they have not left a review for me, l could see my review on their profile, which means I’m guessing they can see it too.


Seems you indicated in your OP 14 days ago that the sit wasn’t ended (?) they probably still have time and presumably haven’t seen your review yet?

Yes, they still have a few days left to leave a review.

The sitter left her review for me (5*). She did not respond to the 4* that I gave her. It gave me a little anxiety because I don’t like conflict of any kind, but I also don’t like being deceived either.


There’s no deadline for that but I guess most people would respond shortly after reading it.

I am glad you wrote an honest review. That’s helpful for both sitters and HOs.

Thanks for your feedback and I wish you good luck in your next sit.


Thanks for giving an honest review. It is so imortant to learn for sitters and hosts and to get good matches.


As a sitter I am pretty astounded by the people saying that checking your OUTSIDE cameras was an “invasion of privacy” and “how would you know if you didn’t have a camera”. If you didn’t find clues in your house then perhaps your neighbours would have seen and let you know. I appreciate there are very trusting people out there but in my mind, that’s simply naivety. The whole idea of there being guidelines and reviews etc is for people to be able to adhere to pre-agreed rules. If people don’t want to adhere to respecting other people’s property then they should stay in a hotel, quite simply.

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So the pet sitter just responded to my 4* review of her. She wasn’t honest in her response, but it is what it is.

Unfortunately, not surprising, because the sitter was dishonest during the sit. So the pattern holds.

Oh dear. Did the sitter leave a 5 star review for you?

Yes she did.

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Her reply though is on her profile not yours @RMRL.

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That is correct.