Choosing by order of applications

You can add this to the giant thread about the 5 applicant limit…

My feedback about the new changes are this:

  • homeowners are more frequently telling us bad stories about previous sitters
  • owners feel pressured to choose “in order of applications” so they are not rude.
  • as a sitter we feel pressured to apply ASAP even though we are not sure the sit is right, just so we don’t have regrets later

Conversation with a recent owner. “I don’t know what to do, you sound great but there was someone else who applied first!” We encouraged her to choose based on her comfort level, and she felt very relieved to hear this.
Housesitting should not a fast decision.


Hi @tlubkin thank you for taking the time to comment.

Your feedback has been forwarded to the to the Product team.

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