Does anyone ask if the HO are vaccinated?

YES to everything you stated!!! Funny your right we even call ourselves Team (vaccine name ) :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: thank you for you response it is so nice to see HO also saying how they feel.


Hello, I am new to this also, and was glad to see your question, and the answers. I have added my vaccination status to my profile. Thank you


No. It’s none of my business or my concern.


Absolutely. I would not spend time with anyone who was unvaxxed. If they’re unvaxxed they’re likely not taking even basic precautions so it’s too high risk.


Not sure, why you would need this information. There’s no reason that I can think of, since vaccination protects yourself (to some degree and for a limited time), not others (especially not with Omicron now spreading). We don’t ask and we would feel uncomfortable to share our medical information with anyone (unless for a very good reason).


People who are vaccinated can still get sick, it’s just significantly lower risk and lower impact. A vaxxed person in a confined space with an unvaxxed person is at higher risk than two vaxxed people in a confined space. Also, vaccinating does protect others as, since you’re less likely to get sick, you’re less likely to spread it to others.


You’re wrong there. Yes, vaccination protects myself but we also are responsible for people who cannot take the shots because of medical reasons. They are not able to protect themselves so it’s society’s responsibility to do this for them. And I am talking about 100% of people who can be vaccinated and not only 65% of them.
There are very good reasons why I want to know the vaccination status of people who want to cross my doorstep and those who don’t want to tell and proof it to me, stay out. It’s as simple as that.


This is a highly emotive and personal subject and I don’t think anyone should be called out for their personal choice. However, I also think that as individuals we all have a right to ask but we do not have a right to an answer. In that circumstance we all make our own decision.


This is a common sense response.

I am vaccinated but have been sick from the vaccine for almost four months now. I certainly won’t be getting a booster. Many of the other people in my support group got their auto-immune disease from the booster, where some of us got it from shot #1 or 2. In many sits, I don’t even meet the homeowner so I’m not sure why the vaccination status would make a difference.

I didn’t get vaccinated until August when I was required to. I was very healthy before I got the vaccine. I was exposed to Covid people, traveled the world, worked in the public and never got Covid.

I don’t apply to sits that require vaccination, even though I am vaccinated. I think there are way too many situations where the vaccine is actually worse than Covid might be (Like so many of us with newly formed auto immune diseases and young athletes dying). I don’t like the discrimination and hatred that is being shown to people who aren’t vaccinated. You don’t know their situation so how can you decide what is good for them medically?

It’s a personal medical decision. If you aren’t going to be in the same house at the same time, I can’t understand how it can make a difference.


I am happy to tell you why on needing this information for a sit that I would be considering or applying to. Being a 23 year cancer survivor my immune system never fully recovered and I remain immune compromised. Science saved my life once so I keep following Science! If a potential HO would not disclose their proof of getting a vaccine/booster that would it make it very simple for me not to apply or decline the sit.


You can still get the virus and spread it. Vaccination can lower the probability that you’ll spread the virus by up to 20% (with the old variants). Omicron has changed that of course. But I still respect everyone’s choice to get the vaccine for their own benefit.


I’m just going to interject here to kindly ask that everyone respect each other’s perspectives on this topic and not pass any judgements. As @ElsieDownie says, this is a highly emotive and personal subject and the last thread we had on this topic was closed because it got too heated and judgemental. Medical information is private so anyone can ask but you may not get a response. What you do with that is up to you.

Let’s please try and keep this as a thread where we can perhaps learn about different people’s individual situations (where they are happy to share), and to perhaps gain more understanding about people’s individual views.

Let’s also remember that this pandemic is ever changing, and that while many people have had their first vaccines, now that it’s clear they don’t work as effectively as anticipated, aren’t so keen to continually take 3 monthly repeat injections, when this scenario has not been tested extensively. I know more and more people in this category. Others have had reactions and can’t have boosters even if they wanted them, or not for a period of time. Then we have the whole issue of how much of the world remains unvaccinated while the rich countries are gearing up for 4th injections.

Not everyone has had a vaccine and there can be many reasons for this… it doesn’t automatically make that person bad.

If you have strong feelings about this that’s fine, but please can I ask moving forward on this thread that no-one directs those strong opinions directly towards another member or group of people. There’s a lot to consider and I’m mindful that this is generally creating a lot of division and unkindness in the world. Let’s not let that happen here in our forum.

This is not written specifically to anyone in this thread … but I can sense the need to intervene now, sooner rather than later :slight_smile:


Your specific reason for asking such information of homeowners is understandable albeit not common to the general population. One does what’s best for oneself and rests assured in their decisions. I’m not following the reasoning for asking such of members at large here. As far as I am concerned it is about time we put this topic and the slogans around it behind us.


Thank you @Vanessa_A, supporting your intervention on this topic.

This is a very personal, and important topic, which we should be able to discuss in a calm and respectful way, it would also be very unfortunate to have to close another thread on this subject.


An interview over WhatsApp or Skype is a good first step. Then, if people are visiting me in person, we stay outside (they can go in and look around on their own), or if we’re indoors I ask that everyone wears a mask. I don’t ask about vaccination as people could still be carrying and spreading the virus.


I personally do not ask since it has never concerned me from the beginning. As time goes on and new variants pop up especially, it seems the vaccines are getting less and less effective at preventing infection and transmission so someone being vaccinated wouldn’t make me personally feel any safer around them compared to someone who isn’t.

In the 7 or 8 sits that my husband and I have booked since they have been widespread in the US, not one owner has asked us about this. But I know for a fact that several of them have been vaccinated themselves based on where they were planning on traveling or it somehow coming up in conversation but they obviously aren’t concerned about whether other people are. I feel for a lot of people this question stems not from a safety concern but whether or not someone shares their politics and ‘values.’ since they have seemed to become one and the same even though this is not as true as it would seem on the surface.

I think it may be something you can find out without necessarily asking them directly. In your application for example, you might mention you are only comfortable taking assignments for people who have been, and if they aren’t, they can just not consider your application. And as for people who may reach out to you directly, you might put something to that effect in your profile, though in this case, they may or may not have noticed it depending on where you mention this and if they read the whole thing.

Another thing I would just like to add in general is just because someone isn’t vaccinated doesn’t automatically mean they don’t care about covid or must not take any precautions or that they are some sort of science denier. I imagine that many people who forgo vaccination because of a true fear it could make them sick are probably just as afraid of getting Covid and try to protect themselves by other means. The media has done a really good job of making the face of this group of people some very unsavory characters who are easy to hate.


I suspect that the whole topic of vaccinations is much more divisive in the US than it is in Canada or Europe, where it hasn’t been as politicized. And I think it’s only the States where it’s considered rude or inappropriate to ask someone’s vaccination status.

Here in BC, Canada, asking is encouraged, and we are not supposed to spend time indoors with unvaccinated people, not even in our own homes.

Like with anything else, you need to have a bit of understanding to the general culture of the country you are visiting.


If you don’t feel safe house sitting for unvaccinated people, just ask them. If you don’t feel comfortable asking, write in your profile or applications that you are vaccinated and that you would only sit for people, who are vaccinated as well.
Before accepting any sit, we usually video chat with the homeowners where we say that we are vaccinated. How they respond tells us how they feel about it. 99% of our homeowners were vaccinated. We did have one sit, where one wasn’t vaccinated because her doctor told her it’s too risky with her underlying health issues. And that was fine by us.
For me, it’s more important what kind of lifestyle they live and if they wear masks. Because even if they are vaccinated, when they have kids, go to work, meet friends in large groups, go grocery shopping without a mask, it is way riskier (in my opinion) as an unvaccinated person who stays at home.
We did have sits where we didn’t feel as comfortable spending time with the owners. Especially in the beginning of Covid. So we tried to only meet them before for an hour or so, so they can show us everything, meet the pets in their presence and walk the dog together. When someone would fly, we try to minimize the contact after their return as much as possible.
Do what you feel comfortable. We usually trust others but understand that this is not easy for everyone.


PHYTO I agree entirely…

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No never. It’s their choice and personal