This sort of information without any context would not really be meaningful. It would end up painting an inaccurate picture of members on both sides in many cases. For this information to be used in any meaningful way it would require THS to do a lot of things they probably would have no interest in doing; it would require hosts and sitter providing information they probably have no interest in providing to a housesitting site. It just wouldn’t be practical.
As far as hosts specifically, many don’t use the site very often. If someone only used it twice and had to cancel their second sit, they would have a 50% cancellation rate.
It would be even more problematic for sitters. For someone who only sits occasionally and doesn’t book too far ahead, an injury that leaves them unable to sit for the next six months might mean the cancellation of one sit.
For a full-time sitter or someone who was planning on sitting for an extended period, that might mean cancelling a dozen. What if this happened to a first time sitter who hadn’t done any sits prior…they would have a 100 percent cancellation rate.
This would also probably more negatively impact people who sit solo compared to those sitting with someone else. If I break my leg and can’t walk the dog on an upcoming sit, I wouldn’t have to cancel because my husband could do it. A solo sitter wouldn’t have the same luxury.
I know cancellations are problematic on both ends, but strict tracking of this by the site with something like statistics would almost certainly end up being a very unwelcome change.
There are lots of legitimate reasons a sit can be cancelled by a host or a sitter and not all of them involve super-serious issues like unexpected illness or a death in the family.
Once a sit is confirmed, if the hosts springs new responsibilities on you that you would not have agreed to had you known initially, a sitter should reserve the right to cancel. Would you be happy if this sit was counted towards your ‘statistics?’
If after a host confirms a sitter, they proceed to get horrible reviews from sits in between that suggest they are untrustworthy, or incapable of properly caring for their pet and keeping them safe and healthy, and the host no longer feels comfortable having this person in their home, they should be able to cancel. Would it be fair to have this ‘strike’ on their record?
The fact of the matter is that a trip can no longer proceed for a number of reasons, and as a sitter I understand how these cancellations can cause issues for those on that side.
I know the situation the OP is discussing is different in that they found alternate arrangements for the care of their animal but the same general idea applies.
But this is just something that happens and people need to accept this risk. Hosts are not offering their homes up as some sort of kind gesture to put a roof over a sitter’s head, they are not entering into any sort of binding agreement that is guaranteeing the sitter accommodation for that time period.
They are seeking a service, and sometimes events transpire in a way where they no longer need that service. I know in some cases, the reasons for cancellation are not great but such is life.
Every time THS inserts itself into this process more people are never happy with these changes and the negative impacts are always felt more by sitters–application limits, inability to book overlapping dates,etc…