I would like to comment on just one point and that is about detailed information. There can be an overload of info. If there is too much, a sitter may not even read it. One HO I have sat for a few times has pages and pages of info with highlighting in various colours. It’s just too much, and even I, as an experienced and conscientious sitter, don’t read it all. I refer to it if I come across a problem.
Frankly, I don’t think it is . I use up the TP roll that’s already been started and then replace it with one of my own, same with kitchen roll and tissues.
You can also check on the council kerbside recycling website pages. As others have already mentioned, in the UK different councils have different rules as regards which bins are to be used for what, and what can and cannot be recycled. It’s all very confusing so, unless there are clear instructions, I just go online to check.
I cannot imagine.
I seemed to have made my “detailed info” sound like it’s a book. Two pages of dog instructions, one of their food and treats, one on how to use the washer and dryer, two pages on wi-fi, tv , map of where to find the dog park, and general “how to operate this and that”. Each page has a heading and meant as informational help (and - except the dog feeding: those are actual instructions, and the backyard/plants page that requests watering when it’s 105 out and no rain for months.) I did have a sitter once who never read a thing - not even the info on dog food-. When I have stayed in a place, especially in a foreign country, like Korea, I appreciate detailed instructions on how to use appliances and a/c -heater that have no English on them.
In my opinion, the sitter should have asked before opening your items. Yes, they will leave you a bad review out of spite. I think that the sitter should have washed the bed linens if you had a washer in your house. The sitter should have taken out the garbage, and left the kitchen clean. Contact the support line.
Re : the olive oil and bath salts.
I have a solid policy on all sits : I never use the last of anything and I never open anything.
If, on the very rare occurance that I stupidly forget to bring enough food or see something particularly yummy and violate any of my rules, I replace the item(s) I use before leaving. If I see something that looks gift-y or precious such as items still packaged in display boxes, I don’t open/use it.