Premium Membership Cancellation Insurance Terms

Dears, what if there is no accomodation within 32 kilometres (20 miles) from the cancelled sit? Will TH refuse to reimburse the cost or, if I do a screen shot from AirBnB/Booking that there was no hotels available in that specific area and I’ll book the closest possible one, they agree to claim the cancelled sit?

Hi @catanka the terms clearly state that it must be within 20miles of the sit - no exceptions.

You can confirm with member services if there is any leeway with these T&Cs . You can contact them by e-mail ( they don’t read or respond to the forum )


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Under the category of NEVER HAVE I EVER had to leave a housesit. But sleeping on the couch for 3 weeks, no AC in the bedroom among other things - Host and I had texts and agreed mutually not a good fit. Also in touch with THS support letting them know about the issues who said it needs to be mutually agreed upon and then find new accommodations or sit and file for insurance.

Again I KNOW the small print…who knows if I will be reimbursed. I am so tired from not sleeping (well) for a week…I have sent THS our What’sApp exchanges, receipt for hotel, photos of issues and where I was sleeping. They’re preparing to deny it but there ya go… really this insurance is not worth the extra cost in membership.

Email from support after hours of back and forth…even though they had to cancel the sit once we mutually agreed and told me to file insurance - AND initial support email confirming - never mentioned this.

Sit Cancellation Plan further, and determined that we need more clarification on the cancellation of the sit with the pet parent. You will see within the terms and conditions of this plan the following:

'III. Are there circumstances where we will never pay under this Plan?
This Plan is offered at our sole discretion but in any event we will never pay Sitters under this Plan where:

**1. **The Sitter initiates the Sit cancellation.
2. The Sit cancellation is mutually agreed between the Pet Parent and the Sitter.’

Because of this, we will need more screenshots of your conversation with them initiating the cancellation.

I sent them a zip file of texts with host.

SO ladies and gentleman if you ever find yourself in an untenable position while sitting - you’re on your own. I have others that were questionable - cleanliness, pet behavior - but I was able to sleep well and power through. Also shorter sits not 3 weeks long.
Go ahead bash away but ICYMI more small print on the T&Cs.


@WheresBabZ sounds super stressful, I hope it all works out in your favour. Wishing you good luck.


Thank you so much.

Hey, our hosts just cancelled on us 1 day before the sit so we are up a creek at the moment. We are sitting in Brighton and we’re coming from London. We have had a premium membership for at least a week before cancellation. Will THS pay for accomodation for 3 nights if we are coming from London? i.e. might they say that the trip could have been avoided as it’s done on a goodwill basis. We have taken time off work and planned the trip beforehand so is there a good chance this will be accepted?

It would be best to check with member services on the Urgent Support phone number which you can find on your dashboard.

If they confirm that you are eligible to claim , there are other criteria to be met for a successful claim:

You must inform THS of the cancellation within 24 hours and then submit time stamped screenshots of the messages to support your claim .
You pay for alternative accommodation up front - there’s a daily cap on how much you can reclaim . The alternative accommodation must be within 20 miles of the sit .
$150 will be deducted from the total amount of the claim .

This up to date thread will help you through the claim process.

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For me, buying insurance is always buying something you may never need that doesn’t cover everything.

In the USA, standard sitter is
Premium is
A $90 difference.

I can use the lounge passes for any trip. It doesn’t have to be for a petsit trip. I checked the lounge pass site and there are lounges in my home base and in cities I’m most likely to visit or connect through. I’ve read the requirements to claim a pass. The average value of a lounge pass is $30 each.
I’m confident I will use these passes. So the price for the possibility I will need and qualify for trip cancellation is a $30 a year difference between Standard and Premium.
That’s how I determined if the price was worth it for me. I also read the requirements I would need to meet trip cancellation and understand them clearly.
I broke it down further. It’s $2.50 a month for the possibility of recovering some unanticipated travel expenses.

(Less if I get some referral credits)

And I get a premium badge ! Lol


@WheresBabZ, there’s a few threads on Forum re Sit Cancellation Insurance. For example … Sit cancellation and Premium membership - #32 by GotYourBack

We’ve had two last-minute sit cancellations. One in California had oodles of other local housesits. Sit Cancellation Insurance allows THS to rebook housesitter within 20 miles of original sit, so insurance would be ineligible if lots other local housesitters. One in Europe where there were no other local housesits - we interacted with THS staff; carefully read terms of Sit Cancellation Insurance; and made a successful claim for alternative accommodation under Sit Cancellation Insurance. Note - read terms carefully - there are quirks.

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