I’ve just been asked to do a sit by a HO who has been let down by their chosen sitter, for a sit that I previously applied for and just got the automated decline in response. Emboldened by this thread I responded with this:
"Hi, I’m already booked for those dates. Good luck.
By the way, it’s generally considered rude when you choose a sitter not to write a message to the people you didn’t choose saying something like “thanks for your application but I’ve chosen someone else”
I’m not sure if advice sit well given like that. But ofc I’m of the ones that don’t regard a decline as a «rejection» as such.
That is a good way to get sits!
When I apply as a sitter and after a few days i read “application rejected” without a word I find that strange. It used to be different.
I’ve been a sitter at ths for three years now and have lots of good reviews. Sometimes it just doesn’t fit. I realize that. But can’t you just write a few words?
What do you think?
This topic has been discussed at great length.
If you use the spyglass and search ‘Rejection without reply’ or similar you should be able to see the threads.
I think a short rejection is good. I find a simple rejection without words impolite.
I have all 5 star sits. I just got a rave review from my last sit, “lucky to have found me”. Yet, I get declined without explanation a lot. Sometimes you fit, sometimes you don’t. I don’t take it personally. I was declined, they said they were going with someone else, then they reposted. I reapplied, they declined me without explanation. I got a much better sit during that time. I think it all works out. Some are your people, some are not.
I have never received any messages, etc. with a rejection.
This is the norm…Yes, frustrating, but understandable given that applicants have no personal relationship with HO’s at this stage of the process.
We could spend much time discussing the etiquette here…But the bottom line is reality and the lack of communication is not personal.
I remember applying for a sit, the wife loved my application and acted like they were going to choose me, but her husband was reviewing. Then I just got declined. He obviously didn’t like my application. There are people that think I am God’s gift to house sitting, based on my reviews, and others don’t even interview me and decline. It is what it is. I came the day early for the current sit. The HO is moving to Tampa. She thinks I am great and invited me to stay with her next year, in lieu of hotel between sits in Tampa, she thinks I am so nice. So you apply, some sits you get, some you don’t. Whether they give me a nice decline message doesn’t matter to me. I withdraw without explanation.
I am a little vindictive., I must admit. We have over 50 5 star reviews. If I have taken my time to write a personalized in depth application, the least I expect is for someone to say we’ve picked someone else this time, please try again, etc. etc. If we just get the “Declined”, I will never apply again. Takes so little extra time to be kind! That’s just me😎!
I so agree it’s just common courtesy to say a short “thank you for your application but unfortunately you were not successful”. We have sitters and do sits and I always send a msg after a decline.
Has anyone else noticed how “picky” and prescriptive some UK home owners have become in their listing? I’m finding lots of -
-Don’t apply if you don’t live in the UK
-Don’t apply if we can’t meet you a month before the sit
-No visitors or friends to come over
-Only single people can apply, no couples
Maybe it’s just the sits I see but I’m seeing a lot of this?
If a host declines a sitter’s application- then they are prompted by the system that they can choose ( optional ) to add a personal message .
However , if a host has had a number of suitable applications, when they offer the sit to one of the applicants - no decline message goes out … it is when that sitter presses “Accept” that an auto decline message goes out to all the other sitters who applied . This could be immediately or days later - it’s whenever the sitter presses “Accept” .
Most hosts probably don’t even know that this is what happens . Hence no message from them because the “system “ has auto declined all the other applicants .
Thank you @Silversitters. That is enlightening
And, what’s worse, if they go to their inbox to write a polite message to the other applicants, they’ll get a warning like “are you sure you want to communicate with no new dates?”, then some owners are afraid that this could be taken as an invitation for a sit.
I got one where you couldn’t leave except to walk the dog. They would order in groceries for you. I withdrew
Do they never leave the house themselves? Very odd. I would have declined too and I am a real home bird.