Sitting in Australia

Thanks everyone, really appreciate the help.

Now I also know what a drop bear is :rofl: had to Google that


@IHeartAnimals so glad you made it to the beautiful State of Queensland, I knew you would love it! So lucky you did Pt Douglas first as they are completely flooded out up north now. Good planning! Enjoy your stay in Brisbane, my hometown :kangaroo:


@ziggy Hi there. How could I have forgotten that Brisbane is where you live. After seeing your posts, I started applying for Brisbane to line up a sit after Sydney. Thank you for the recommendation. I read on Reddit that there is some park near a prison where there are wild kangaroos so we’re going to try to spot some while we are there.


Glad you found a sit in Brissie
@IHeartAnimals. This park with wild kangaroos, I really wouldn’t bother. It’s near Wacol (not local to Brisbane) and the chances of seeing roos is probably slim and they will hide from humans anyway. They sleep in the shade during the day and are a road hazard at night. Hit one and your car is a write off and maybe you to. Better to just go to Lone Pine Koala sanctuary where you will see everything and also get to hand feed or pat the kangaroos that are protected there. For the best day out EVER, go to Australia Zoo, a wildly popular fix like no other and very natural environment. Steve Irwin the Crocodile Hunter, his place which his wife and children now run - Bindi and Robert Irwin. A day out you’ll never forget, forget the prison thingy sorry :laughing:


I’m going to recommend Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary on the Gold Coast @IHeartAnimals as it’s great and closer to you than Australia Zoo. And my nephew just happens to be the Education Manager there! If you get there by 8am you can feed the lorikeets.


@temba and @ziggy I was afraid we would miss seeing koalas and kangaroos in the wild so we went to Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary yesterday. What a magical experience. Kids agreed it was one of the best experiences of their lives.


Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary is a great visit. If you get there early, you can hold a koala. You can only book it once you’re there. You will certainly have plenty of opportunities to feed and photograph kangaroos of all ages. They are gorgeous!

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@Newpetlover unfortunately for we humans, Lone Pine ended the hold a Koala opportunity mid 2024. You can still get up close and touch them if you book but no holding. Agree it’s a magical place and the kangaroo feeding is definitely an experience.

That’s fantastic @IHeartAnimals and great photo! So glad you did it, a very iconic place Currumbin Sanctuary. If you get the opportunity when in Brisbane, Australia Zoo is a totally different experience again, if you can make it. But you certainly ticked the bucket list with Currumbin. Don’t you just love the Gold Coast? :surfing_man:


thanks for the recommendation.


@IHeartAnimals I am SO very pleased you visited Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary and your children loved it. It’s been going for many years but has been upgraded and is a real gem where you can have up close encounters with the native animals and birds.


@IHeartAnimals check out this link for native wildlife in and around Brisbane


@Crookie wow thanks so much. The train goes all the way to Helensvale for 50c so we’re going to go and try to see if we can see kangaroos.


@IHeartAnimals if you are still at the GC you can get a tram to Helensvale from Surfers Paradise / Broadbeach.

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@Crookie Yes, I’m still in the GC for 3 more weeks until my Brisbane sit starts. I’ll be heading out to Helensvale on the train to check things out. thanks.


I so enjoy reading about what your family is up to @IHeartAnimals. Your kids are getting such a thrilling, adventurous, educational upbringing!

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Thank you @MaggieUU . I know they are missing out on some experiences typical teens would have but they’ve all stated the tradeoff is worth it.


I better not show this thread to my kids, they will start telling me our sits are basic!

Looks like you’re having an amazing time!

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@catscatscats24 that’s hilarious. My family thinks I’m a genie or something. I now get questions like “Mom, can you get a petsit in Greece?” One time my husband asked “Honey, when are we going to get one of those chateau petsits in France?” C’mon!! They should just ask me for a petsit on Mars so that they can ride a spaceship


@IHeartAnimals I love that your family are all so enthusiastic about housesitting! It’s so great that you can enjoy all these adventures as a family! It’s so bonding and, especially for your kids, its an amazing addition to their ‘life’ education! :star_struck: