What Personal Info Is Reasonable to Ask a Sitter?

It absolutely astonishes me to read this thread. What’s the big deal if the other party knows things like the full name? That’s completely absurd. Nowadays, everyone shouts every little thing on social media, but if you’re looking after an animal and staying in someone’s house, you can’t even give out your name? Very strange, I honestly don’t understand that. And I’m German, after all, and we go to ridiculous lengths when it comes to data protection.


I’m surprised you assert that sitters ‘would have no problem poking around a bit…who I bank with, what credit cards I have…’. Suggesting that the minute you leave, sitters are going through your drawers and cabinets looking for personal information.
Do you have evidence that all sitters you’ve used have done this?!

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From what I’ve read on these forums, most sitters have no problem providing full name. I always send my full name, phone number, and email address as soon as a sit is confirmed. I’ve done a couple sits where I didn’t know the hosts last name since they did not include it in the welcome guide. So, keep in mind that sitters also only have whatever info the host chooses to provide.

The main issue many sitters have is with providing a copy of an ID. Unless a sitter is using the HOs car or there is some other need for an ID (such as a gated community requirement), there really is no need for the HO to hold a copy of an ID. I’ve done over 50 sits and have never been asked for my ID, so it’s not a typical ask in my experience.


I have no evidence that any sitter has gone through my drawers poking around for personal information and I’ve never bothered to fully secure such information. I trust that they don’t get nosey just as they should trust that I wouldn’t use their personal information for nefarious purposes.
What I am asserting is that HOs face bigger risks than sitters generally and much much greater risks if they let someone completely unknown and (per THS policy) unlearnable take over their home without clearly knowing exactly who they are. Should a problem arise in my absence (whether accidental, due to negligence or criminal), I haven’t much (any) recourse if I only know a first name “because I trusted them.” I can’t imagine an insurance adjuster, police officer or lawyer saying “I’ll get right on this” with that as the starting point.

Also, in the event my word choice caused confusion, “could easily poke” would have been a better phrase than “would have no problem poking”.

On my first sit, when I got there the HO asked for my last name. I was extremely surprised that she didn’t already have it. I thought that info was provided to the HO. So, many sitters may not even be aware the the HO does not have their last name. Just because they haven’t provided it, does not mean they are not willing to provide it. They may assume the HO already has it, it’s fine to ask for it.


Me neither. Nobody ever asked me anything ID related and I wouldn’t share my passport. Not because I am worried about anything, but because I wouldn’t feel trusted. I would skip that sit.
Nowadays, when renting an airbnb or hotel or whatever, the chance that someone take a copy of your ID is very high. I would rather be concerned about that, not so much about John Doe knowing my birthday. :smiley:

@Crittersiting , yes THS does vetting of sitters, but they won’t give a HO that information if anything goes wrong. You know the HO name when they get mail.

I think they mean if the sitter was inclined they could find personal information very easily while sitting in their home.
Most of us are not inclined to do that but it is a bit off putting when their bank letters are left open on the kitchen island. I usually clear up everything of a personal nature and put it on the dining room table or in a hall drawer.


Many of us offer telephone numbers for a videcall, LinkedIn profiles and such. I haven’t seen much sitters having “angst” for hosts knowing their full name. What I do have a problem with (unless a specific cause like insurance, guest certificate or similar where it is required) is giving out copies of my ID-documents.

Anyway - I would perceive it somewhat differently if the host suggested an exchange of information - and not only asked for mine. Mutual exchange, equal partners.