

My husband and I live outside of the capital city of Augusta in the state of Maine, USA. We are what you might call “older“, and are finally embarking on a long awaited dream – – to grow lavender. We have about 1500 1-3 year-old lavender plants. I make sachets and a few other products that are sold in two nearby farm stores and a local “General store”. Our housesitters are always welcome to enjoy the field.

My husband Michael and I have been with Trustedhousesitters since the spring of 2014. We use trusted housesitters exclusively for our sitting needs. I am allergic to cats, but we have two LaPerm cats that are very much healthier for those with allergies. The only housesitting we ourselves have done, is VBRO listed homes or Airbnb. Our use of this fantastic platform is to find the best kitty-loving housesitters as possible. So far we have been very blessed! We have sitters who have become lifelong friends and our favorites we ask to return if possible. One housesitter saved the life of one of our chickens, finding it hiding after a fox came too close for comfort!

I believe this forum facilitates a better understanding of the uniqueness of the needs of the sitter and of the owners.