Cleaning before departure

@ziggy , like you, I often can’t help myself if I’m dusting and vacuuming the rest of the house. If it’s a room I’m not using and it looks like it could use a bit of cleaning, I might just do a cursory job. I guess it’s a little OCD. I once thoroughly cleaned the HO bathroom that I did not use (it really needed it), and they were delighted.


Thank you @mars, that’s EXACTLY what I do. The bed making is just the rare occasion and ALWAYS very much appreciated :blush:


I think you should be aware that not everybody would like it. There are several threads by HOs who are concerned about sitters not respecting privacy.


If someone were sitting my house, I wouldn’t want them going into my bedroom, cleaning there, making my bed or such. It’s a personal thing. If I wanted that, I’d hire a cleaner. But I don’t want people in what I consider my personal spaces, including my home office.

Even if other people appreciate that, that doesn’t mean everyone would.


True, it’s a judgment call.

I recently did a sit where the two dogs would not only sleep on the homeowner’s bed, but somehow managed to tuck themselves in! Like the dogs literally got in between the sheets, heads on the pillows and everything. (A feat of dexterity for sure!)

The owner said that was fine. Even so, I didn’t think she meant in her bed, so I sent her a note and said,

“…the dogs are getting completely inside the covers, and there’s fur on your sheets. Sorry! I don’t mind changing the linens for you before you come home, just let me know where the spares are.”

Her reply said that she knew the dogs would get in there and make a mess of her bed, so she didn’t even bother changing the sheets before she left, and she had fresh ones that she would do the bed herself when she came home.

  • All you have to do is ask!* This is not a situation where it’s better to “ask for forgiveness if you weren’t given permission”

Not everybody’s mama raised 'em right, so you can only hope your own mama raised you right.

If you ask proactively, and they ding you on being self-sufficient, that is on them.


For me, I’ve learned that my standards for cleanliness are oftentimes higher than most places I stay. It’s not a criticism, it’s their home, not mine. But for me, right away, I’ll clean all the areas I will use, then I just maintain them and enjoy when I’m there. I also keep a light footprint and use only the areas I need to. The owners usually comment that it’s cleaner than they left it, so I get to enjoy it to the standards I enjoy, and it helps them when they return home. When it’s time for my departure, I only have to wash and dry the sheets and towels, make the bed, unless the owner prefers I don’t, and make sure everything is in good order before I depart.


It depends on travel time I strip beds,if no times if plenty times I wash sits have cleaners who tell me that’s their jobs and I leave it to them. I always clean up after to me even when they have ther own cleaners.


That’s really nice of you @smiley. And it’s tempting to be helpful that way. But what if there are other reasons not to? like I have with my bedding - special wash settings and separate detergent that I don’t want to go into with my guest…? I don’t want anyone doing my laundry for that reason. Might be safer to stick to instructions…?

Best wishes

Yup @KerstinAndFrank. I’m the same. And then I still go nuts the last day emptying and polishing and shining everything that doesn’t move. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Hey @Lokstar I do exactly the same. As soon as I get there. Then I keep it clean as I go. It’s just my personal preference and standard to live in a clean and uncluttered space, so I can appreciate and enjoy it fully. Sooner it’s done, the quicker I can relax and settle in.

Only 3 out of 18 house sits in the first year have not needed an immediate and proper clean on arrival to feel comfortable. I used to feel shocked and even annoyed. I now accept that other people live to a different standard. I neither wish to live by that standard nor judge them. (Ok maybe a little :laughing: if it’s really disgusting :face_vomiting:)

I think house sitting is teaching me to be more flexible and pragmatic. As well as educating me as to how other people really do live. It’s fascinating isn’t it?


@Purdie I must say, from reading all your recent posts, you sound like SUCH a lovely lady, so positive and always thoughtful and kind in your words. I just wanted to tell you that :wink: (not that others aren’t as well, of course)!


Ahhh. Thanks @ziggy.:pray:t3: Very kind of you :blush:. I was in fact wondering if I was being a bit ‘moanie’ :smiley:

@Purdie no definitely NOT a “moanie” lol :innocent:

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Hi @Jilly, I completely agree with you! Explaining the reason behind such requests would make a big difference and help sitters understand why certain tasks, like not laundering the sheets, are important. Whether it’s for water or load-saving, using specific laundry chemicals, or following a particular cleaning schedule, sharing the rationale makes it easier to follow instructions. As someone who values efficiency and frugality, I appreciate understanding how others handle daily tasks. It also helps avoid any discomfort, like leaving bedsheets unwashed, especially when there’s a good reason behind it. Great suggestion!

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L​:rofl:L —What’s that? I don’t know anyone born past WWII who irons sheets. :bed:


I would always strip the bed. But I would only re-make it by request. So, if it were the HO’s bed or a spare one about to be used again. Otherwise, I would leave the used bed-linen in a neat pile on the floor and fold the other bedclothes neatly. I wouldn’t put my used bedclothes in to wash - again, unless requested - because not everyone wants to come home to a whirring washing-machine or damp sheets.

I do! Snuggling down into fresh, ironed cotton sheets is a better sensation than [insert favourite sensation of choice]

Okay, but how does one iron sheets without dragging them on the floor? Few have mangle irons.

Ahhhaa! As my sister says “The trouble with ironing sheets is that you always have to hoover first…”

Think that’s your answer, right there. It takes dedication, I admit. But it’s sooooo worth it!