Dirty houses

The issue of dirty homes has been on my mind for years as a member. I know I’m a bit of a germaphobe and usually sanitize all surfaces like as I would for a hotel/Airbnb stay, as soon as I arrive for the sit.
Maybe 40% of the time, I spend a half day or more cleaning on my first day. I don’t mind and understand some clutter, but some homes were impossible - i.e. - couldn’t get the bathroom clean enough to rid of the urine smell; I couldn’t wait for the sit to be over. Often, I find clumps of dust and clothes under or corner - recently spotted an open half-eaten granola bar by the feet of a sofa.
I have yet to leave a negative feedback because most owners are really nice. I’m hoping TH adopts review/feedback system like Airbnb - when it’s only visible after each left a review within a certain time frame. This way, you can leave a more honest feedbacks. Can we petition for this?