HOs Please disclose your outdoor cameras in your listing

There must be something seriously wrong with those people.


Yes, there was, hence they are no longer on the site.


Thanks @Val , chalk it up to life experienced.


Right, a sign works. Every solicitor reads the sign and goes away - not.

They ignore the signs LOL.

Anyway the doorbell cameras are for deliveries or whatever. Can’t believe sitters expect them to not be there,when they are literally everywhere.

Please accept that the modern world has cameras.

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I’ve not had problems with solicitors ignoring signs. Of course, that doesn’t mean you’ve not had different experiences. Anyone’s experience doesn’t negate someone else’s, as we should all realize.


So THS has a section for homeowners to check external security cameras. I check that box for the listing (I have 2 external cameras). Nowhere does it (or THS rules) say you need to disclose where the external cameras are in the listing, and that is a fact. Understand: external cameras are allowed, disclosed in the listing but not necessary where and/or how frequently checked.

In my welcome guide of course I disclose where my 2 external cameras are and unless some weird alarm bells ring I disable the one to our backyard. Of course my neighbors can still see in the backyard - am I supposed to blind them for sitters to have privacy?

I leave the ring doorbell camera on. This is common in the US and if you don’t like it feel free to state that in your profile, application, and video chat. I am thinking no sitter boldly does that though. Hmmm…

Really sitters - exterior cams are everywhere. Sorry to introduce you to the modern world. Even if we disable our cameras - guess what, our neighbors have cams! That record too! So I can disable my one door can, and still know when you come and go. And - it doesn’t matter unless you misbehave. In which case I can still know, with proof (from neighbors cam, which you or THS have no control over).

Interior cams are unacceptable - of course, per THS terms.

But everyone needs to understand that exterior cams are everywhere once you leave the home. Sorry if you don’t like it but it is truth.

Doorbell cameras are allowed as exterior cameras. Why would that indicate a HO didn’t know policy?

I think you misunderstood me, but that’s fine :blush:

I understood you.

I think you misunderstood me, I disclose the cams. How I use THS allowed external cams is my call and my discretion. If you choose to ask that on a video chat that’s fine, I will tell you where my external cams are. If you immediately ask that I limit how I use them - sorry, but goodbye.

I would rather pay a sitter instead of wondering why you want to know how I use my doorbell cam ( and by the way you can go in and out of my garage door without my doorbell cam catching you I don’t need a camera there because of course all neighbors have exterior cams so I can still find the video if needed).

You made a false assumption about my POV on doorbell cams.

Like I mentioned on another thread:

I have a doorbell cam myself, LOL. But I also respect that others have the right to decide whether they want to sit with a doorbell cam or not. Your comments are coming across as needlessly belligerent. Giving you a friendly heads up in case you don’t realize that.

Personally, I don’t have problems sitting with external cameras and I figure they’re everywhere. But if a host’s tone is belligerent, I’d avoid their sit even if it were otherwise a dream sit.


That’s good to know.
I’m really sorry. It must have been a terrible experience.
I was in a sitting where there were cameras inside (corridor, kitchen, lounge) I have no proof they were watching me but I had that feeling and I felt really uncomfortable. The sitters after me reported having to show all corners of the property, including the inside of the oven in a video chat.


Ah ok yes I acknowledge my comments are a little belligerent but it’s because I feel like HO who disclose cameras are now being asked to divulge how they are used or bing asked why they are there or to them them off. Look, it’s my home so I am sensitive. I don’t have external cameras because of sitters, nor do I feel the need to explain WHY I, as the owner, have external cameras. I just do, and if I disclose them and sitters don’t want the sit because of it, fine. I get sitters don’t want to be micromanaged via cam - I don’t want to be micromanaged about my camera, why or how I use it. Not sure why that’s us so hard to understand - micromanaging can work (or not work) BOTH ways.

All I am saying is external cameras are allowed. HO have to disclose that they exist per THS terms. We do not have to disclose how and when we use them. We also have no control over neighbors who have eyes or cams. An expectation of privacy when you leave interior walls is false.

If you want to bring it up on a call with HO, fine. I am saying for me as a HO it’s a deal breaker if you told me what to do with my exterior cams. I would feel micromanaged and would would wonder why a sitter would object so much when other sitters had no problem with exterior cams. So, even if you were my one and only applicant, with a zillion perfect reviews, I would decline you and hire a paid sitter.

So, that is that.


Personally, I don’t care about doorbell cameras enough to even raise them. They’re just a part of modern life to me.

What I do feel strongly enough to mention in my sitter profile are dealbreakers, including internal cameras. And I raise my dealbreakers despite them potentially turning off some hosts. Shrug. THS is a matching platform. If we don’t match, no big deal.

Generally, it’s pretty easy for good sitters to get sits — there are many more sits than strong sitters. That means if they opt for no-camera sits, they’ll probably have little trouble getting sits.

For me, sitting is optional, so even if I couldn’t get sits I wanted, I can afford to travel in other ways. As it is, I already get more sits than I can do.


No. Not in Sweden for example.

You really need to understand that the world is a little bit larger than your environment!


OK, if I ever buy a home in Sweden and list it on THS I will keep that in mind, thanks for the random factoid.

If I have to specify my home is not in Sweden.

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Not in my town they aren’t. I’m in Australia, and its not a common practice.

Why? I don’t understand this logic.

This is outrageous, why do you need to be watching sitters for? You’d rather pay someone so you can watch them?

Where the cameras are facing do matter. Everyone has the right to reasonable privacy. Just because you’ve accepted Big Brother doesn’t mean the rest of humanity has to.


Maybe in Australia, or Sweden. My home is in the US. External cameras are allowed everywhere, so if bothers know to ask and vet. Yes if you asked me I would decline. As you said, you didn’t not want to micromanaged via camera (and I never said I did that, by the way - actually I turn the backyard camera off but see no need to turn my doorbell cam off) and I choose to not be micromanaged ABOUT my ALLOWED exterior cams.

So yes, I would decline you for asking and hire someone instead. I have a million dollar property, and can afford to travel. I can add $1k a week for a paid sitter. Maybe not all can, but I am fortunate that I can. And have, and would again.

I like the THS sitters because when you get the good ones - they are the best. Kindred spirits and eventually friends who are invited back as guests not sitters - travel and adventure lovers who dole that kindness onto easy to care for pets… But when I get questions like OMG where are the exterior cams - thanks but no thanks. You think having the cam makes me untrustworthy. I think you asking me why I have an external cameras (that literally most have) and how will I use it, turn it off, etc. - makes you untrustworthy to me.

Anyway any sitter that feels so strongly about external cameras can state so upfront in their profile or application. Hmmm…do you?

I feel it’s a cultural thing rather than a wealth thing @Felinelover. Your culture thinks cameras are for safety and security but it’s not really, it’s for watching. A camera doesn’t jump off its perch and stop someone from entering your property, or from stealing, or from vandalising. It simply watches and records.


Nope. My exterior cameras are completely NOT for security.

There are many reasons to have external cameras, having nothing to do with wealth or security.

My backyard cam is because we open up to hillsides and vast open space. We have wildlife that wanders in, from everyday squirrels all the way up to mountain lions. I don’t allow my dog (even at 65 lbs) out there unless we are around to supervise, but I like to keep tabs on what comes in my yard. Again, not because of sitters. But I have it, and that one I physically unplug when sitters are here so they can enjoy the yard without feeling spied on. I do ask they be here when my pets are out and the sitters I’ve had I trust ed did so.

I have a doorbell cam and don’t feel the need to turn it off for sitters. It’s allowed under THS and how I use it is my choice. If a sitter asks that’s fine, totally will say the same upfront. I am not shy, if you can tell LOL. But if they ask me why I have the doorbell cam - ok, yellow alert for me, I’ll explain. If they ask that I turn it off - um, no thanks. I’ll move on but I won’t accept crap from anyone. My home is what is it is - I am honest about it and everyone can choose accordingly.

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Like I stated, I feel its a cultural thing, it’s normalised within your culture, but it’s not in other cultures of the world.