How did you learn about Trusted Housesitters?

I heard about trusted Housesitters from a co-worker who had been referred to them but had never actually used them. I was very excited by the idea, but a bit overwhelmed with having to set up the profile, take the pictures, etc., and then review and interview the applicants. I ended up not using TH for my long trip last year as another solution came up. But when I got my kitty (during the pandemic) I promised myself to not let that stop me from traveling and it was getting harder to keep asking friends. Especially since my kitty is very social and outgoing, more like a dog, so I was having to find people to come twice a day. I’m intrigued with eventually signing up as a sitter, as I love to travel and like the idea of staying in one place for a week or two. But for now I want to get more comfortable offering my home to sitters and how to make that easy and comfortable for both of us.

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