How Many Rejections Is Too Many?

Ok. Everyone was upset when a popular sit got 50 plus applicants. It’s far too many. It’s overwhelming. I can’t personally answer all these people.
Now we are in the position a sit can only get 5 applications then the host has to do something, people are getting upset because the host is rejecting applicants until they find a good match.
£@%£()”$¥^[<. There’s no winning.


Hi @ElsieDownie
No problem with a HO rejecting until they find sitter(s) that are a good match. What I think isn’t cool is to blanket reject banks of 5 applicants then message a rejected sitter to ask if they would still be interested in the sit. It feels a bit like school when you got paired up and you were the last person to get paired!

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I’ve been second choice a number of times and have accepted the sit on several occasions if I hadn’t another lined up. I applied for that sit for all the correct reasons and nothing changed between the rejection and then the subsequent acceptance.
Saying no could be seen as cutting your nose off despite your face. Who knows what opportunities might be missed because your peeved at not being first choice.


I noticed this happening before and just messaged the homeowner and asked politely if they had any feedback for my application/profile.

The HO replied a few days later that they “worry about single people.” What exactly worries them about single people was not disclosed but it’s clearly a strong personal preference for them!