Is it wrong to ask owners if they have cameras in the home?

Hm. Sounds like they were not expecting you to say “no.” I think I’d bring this up again ASAP.

As for how to answer that question in a video call, I’d say, “Oh, I didn’t see that in the listing description anywhere. I would not have applied.” I’d also ask what their objectives are in recording people. I’d also ask what they mean by “every room.”

They are required to include such information in the listing, not to ambush prospective sitters with it on a video call.

In your position now, I suggest writing through the app and including what you say here.


Hi @BunnyCat The awkward conversations are the ones that need to be followed up using the terms and conditions of THS. In that way, you can address it as rules that must be followed, rather than your preferences.

Here’s the Camera & Recording Devices Policy

I suggest you send them that link, and ask for the Welcome Guide to be sent to you within the next week. Then make sure that they have confirmed in the guide that they will be turned off, as they are required to do.

I realize we all want a warm and trusting relationship - sitters and homeowners - but don’t ignore red flags or awkward conversations. Never feel uncomfortable about asking questions to make sure you are being respected.

Voluntary Forum Moderator


I have sat for someone who lied about now having cameras and I often think about not sitting anymore due to hidden cameras being common these days. It is absolutely betraying trust to not tell someone you are watching them. I should be able to disrobing and live my day to day life without being recorded.


If this was through THS, have you reported these people? This violates THS policy.

Hi @SunshineAndAloha as @mars says Trustedhousesitters does not allow the use of internal recording devices of any description and if this was a sit with THS please advise the Membership Services Team

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It was so long ago and it was through THS. I never reported it but I wish I did. I am glad to know that it is against policy and I always ask about cameras now.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Security Systems- hidden or revealed

I am grateful this topic was brought up. I feel like I learned a lot on this form from everyone’s experiences.


Cover the cameras in bedrooms and bathrooms, living area with towels. I do that. If I find them or I unplug if able to. They do not have a right to leave them on unless you said. Okay. At least in the United States they need to let you know. Susan

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Hi @sierrasue welcome to our community forum, thank you for joining and for joining in the conversation.

TrustedHousesitters policy on all internal recording equipment, visual or audio is in the Help Centre

All devices need to be declared in the listing, sitters should have prior knowledge BEFORE confirming/accepting a sit and they should not be operational while the sitter is present.

There should be no reason or need to hide or cover any equipment as it should NOT be operational.

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… but if anything is operational, then @sierrasue has a good solution (although I might caution that we sitters be aware: just covering the cameras will not disable the audio recording and/or transmission.)

I am not able to see what homeowners see… but is there a checkbox somewhere that shows that they know and will abide by the policy?

something like, “I acknowledge that it is against TrustedHousesitter policy to have any devices in the home that allow remote viewing and/or recording of audio and/or video.”


Just had an SMS exchange with this weekend’s sit, and it goes a little somethin’ like this:

ME: Was this policy something you ever saw?
Camera and Recording Devices Policy |
You didn’t mention any cameras indoors, but then again, I didn’t ask either.

HER: No, I don’t think so??
And no, no cameras - just outside at the front porch and side door.

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I was a former nanny (Au-pair) and “nanny cams” were/are the norm (except in my bedroom and bath).
In my profile I mention that security cameras indoors and out are fine with me. Its one more tool the homeowner can access to be comfortable while they are away from home.
I might be making coffee in my underwear in the morning but so be it; watch away.

I think a lot of homeowners with cameras are more into checking on their pets rather than me; this was the case in most nanny cams.

I am inside their home, in charge of their pets and posessions, and I appreciate the fact that cameras can keep everything on the level, especially if an unfounded accusation were to arise.
My profile clearly states: security cameras are ok.

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Both sitters and homeowners agree to a code of conduct when we take out membership. That code clearly states the policy concerning camera and recording devices. By encouraging or condoning use of anything outside of the code of conduct is to go against the policy of TrustedHousesitters.

By going against that policy, sitters coming after you may be put in an insecure and unsafe situation. It concerns me that you would so blatantly flaunt and disrespect the THS policy. I have built my many years of 5* reviews and repeat sits on trust and communication and would not tolerate being monitored by a homeowner using such devices. If they don’t trust me beforehand in caring for their pet and home, then they didn’t do due diligence in carefully selecting their sitter.

That is my personal opinion, which will not be swayed by anyone who considers anything outside of the THS policy to be acceptable or justifiable.


Hi @Colonelmann we can appreciate your point if that is your past experience although I’m sure you were made fully aware of the use and application of any cameras in the home while you were present.

As you can tell from the posts in this thread the subject is one members feel very strongly about and it was for the consideration of our member’s personal privacy that the strict compliance policy, regarding the use of cameras and recording equipment was introduced.

As @Snowbird has outlined the policy of TrustedHousesitters states quite clearly that any internal recording devices which an owner may have, must be deactivated while a sitter is present in the home and that all devices, internal & external must be included in the listings so that sitters have full knowledge of their existence and can have a fully informed discussion with the owners before confirming any arrangement.

Every member is entitled to manage their on sit arrangements with owners accordingly, however at no point should your personal position regarding cameras be communicated to an owner in a way which gives the impression that the use of them or any recording device is acceptable practice when engaging sitters, which I’m sure you wouldn’t do.

We have built a community based on mutual trust and respect, respect that everyone will abide by the Code Of Conduct, should any member break the Code they stand the risk of losing their membership entitlement.


Excellent reply which got a result. The format of your letter was just right and a fantastic example of how to deal with potential hurdles. I hope you enjoy your sit now.

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You can still report it now even though the sit was a while ago.

I definitely think it is worth reporting.

You aren’t wrong for advocating for yourself. I have a camera that’s part of my smart home system, but I put it away when a sitter stays at my home. I say straight talk makes for straight understanding. Don’t feel guilty for asking if a camera is in the home. When there is clear communication, that minimizes assumptions and awkward/frustrating situations.


Thank you for clarifying the policy and perspective of THS and the sitters.

After just reading your comment I went to to view hidden recording and spyware just to see what might be in a home. I was shocked at how many devices you would never suspect could be in any housesit. Check it out and become informed. I did use a recommended app called Fing that works really well for wi-fi devices. Not sure about detecting battery operated. Will keep researching.

Absolutely ask! Although going by THS policy HO are supposed to post that info upfront. But I’d ask. And I wouldn’t sit for someone who had it indoors & hadn’t posted the info upfront. Withholding info is akin to lying. My reputation proves my trustworthiness. HO reviews proves theirs to me.

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