Is this the norm?

Thank you very much Marion, that’s sound advice. I think for me I need to learn how to balance our dog being cared for and the need for the HS to have a bit of a holiday too. I’ve been heartened by everyone’s consistent advice so thanks again.

That’s definitely not normal. I have stayed in many houses, and if I cannot find something in the kitchen, I simply open the cabinets one by one until I find it. If not found, I assume they don’t have it. The only essentials are pet food and medicine. The rest can be found, bought or done without. Your sitter doesn’t seem very resourceful.


Thank you appreciate your take on things. More contact today asking how to use microwave and washing machine (instruction on both already provided).

I meant it’s not too late if the trip is still on to limit your responses!

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The age of the sitter is shown on their profile .

I hope in the future you don’t rule out by age. Unfortunately (IMO) age is listed in the sitter’s profiles although everyone 64 and over is listed as 64+, but there are plenty of people in that range still teaching yoga, riding horses, skiing, dancing, and able to keep up with an active dog.