New Sitter - Lapse in Judgment - Lost Cat

I myself have a cat that is free to come and go. And I know that for sure. But taking responsibility for someone else’s much loved pet hits differently :joy:

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I have two free-roaming cats here. They come in att feeding time, three times a day. But occasionally, one of them does not show up.

I have considered airtags, mostly because I am curious about where they go, but also in case they would not show up at all. Just a few days left, though.

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When I was new to cat sitting, I was very nervous about cats not coming back, because a stranger was there instead of their owners… but I have done loads of cat sits now, and this has never happened. Sometimes cats did not come in at night, but they always showed up the following morning. One time a cat hopped in through my bedroom window at 4 am and woke me up, haha.

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@pietkuip Where are you currently?

@andrealovesanimals These two cats are in Provence, in a small town, just outside the medieval city gate. My main responsibility here is a dog.

The pets can be in the large garden, but they are rarely there. The cats run around - I don’t know how far. The dog goes only there when I am also in the garden (and play fetch with him) or when I shut him out for a while to prevent him from suddenly taking my food.

But just now one of the cats comes in and is a bit too interested in my pain aux raisins !


Oh my, some very good points to consider, I appreciate that. I know with my own cats I’ve spent worrisome moments hunting for hiding spots. Then again my male spends time yearning loudly at the back door for some one to open it for him. Best of luck for your cat’s safe return.

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I am so sorry to read about the loss of your kitty. We had a Housesitter a few weeks ago who likewise let our indoor cat out, but our baby fortunately came home 2.5 nights later. Our sitter apparently felt that it was too onerous to be home to let the dogs out every 4-5 hours so she admitted to propping the door open. Frankly, this was stupidity, not negligence.
I don’t how we homeowners can protect our indoor cats other than by making it very, very clear that the cats must not be let out. And by warning other cat families by posting honest reviews of the sitters who caused so much needless grief.
I think it was the dirty laundry with our scents spread around the outside of our house that led our cat home. I don’t know if you’ve tried that? I really, really hope your kitty comes home soon.


I think it might be both


Wow what a rough experience! So glad your cat came back. You could specifically ask people what their experience is with indoor cats ahead of confirming a sit? I grew up with indoor cats and would never leave a door open whether I was in the house or not but maybe it isn’t that obvious. You’d really think it would be though so maybe it was just very bad luck

If the sitter was told the dogs needed to be let out every 4-5 hours and found that requirement too onerous, she had no business accepting the sit. I’m a sitter, too. Before applying for a sit, I make sure to read the Responsibilities section carefully to ensure I am willing and able to handle the requirements of the sit.


I’m angry on your behalf that your sitter was such an irresponsible jerk. She has no business looking after anyone’s pets or home. I hope you reported her to membership services.


I keep coming back hoping to see an update that Ellen1’s cat has been found. Fingers crossed!


@belluca No, unfortunately he is still missing. It’s now been over two weeks…

@Ellen1, I’m so sorry that your cat is still missing. Praying he is found. Thank you for keeping us updated.

Growing up, we had indoor/outdoor cats, so I’m used to the idea of them finding their way back. I don’t know how an indoor-only cat thinks once it’s outside…

I like @Lassie’s suggestions earlier in this topic. Thinking…

  1. So an indoor cat is likely to be within 1-2 houses … what about going to every house within a radius of 3 (including behind you; a full circle), and giving your flyer to every house in person, talking to the owners? Maybe they saw something. (I know you said you canvassed already, but not sure how thorough.)
  2. Nextdoor? I often see posts for my neighborhood about lost pets, both seeking and found. I know you already posted on FB groups.
  3. Thinking about closure … does animal control have a log with addresses? If the worst happened, at least such a log could help you find out. Chips aren’t foolproof.
  4. What about visiting the local vets and shelters and seeing what they might have seen/logged?

What a heartbreaking situation. I don’t think 4 stars would be inappropriate, but it would be necessary to thoroughly explain how this can only be due to the fault of the sitter & how it was absolutely avoidable except for the sitter’s actions, & thqt you informed the sitter in advance of the need to be diligent about the doors, as for some pets, this isn’t an issue.
When hurt and missing your fur baby, I think it would be very difficult not to blame the sitter, especially if their actions contributed to the pet’s loss. Unfortunately though it’s ultimately it’s on the HO to make sure your pet is microchipped, &/or has a GPS tracker on it’s collar, and that there is communication about the pet’s behavior & if necessary, even a process for coming & going that makes sure the pet doesn’t wander (I had one HO set up a second room with everything the cat needed, & instruct me to put the cat in that room with the door closed any time I used the home’s front door (I know, it sounds extreme, but it worked & the kitty seemed fine)). Having said all that though, if I knew the sitter’s actions were reason my cat was missing, I might lower the review too.
I’m sorry about your missing kitty.


I am so sorry. I continue to hope that he is found safe soon.


I do know the anxiety of a missing cat. It has happened to me. The reality is they are almost, wild animals and will do what they do outside. It would be fantastic if your missing cat walks through your door in the next week or so, and I hope that is the case. However, they are almost wild animals and will do what ever they want. I do feel for you as I have explained but it is better they live their lives than ours!!

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Thanks for your suggestions. I’ve already carried out most of them, but I will again canvass my neighbors.

I hope you are leaving food nearby as well. True story: My brother was bringing his cat home from the vet. My brother has some mobility issues and for some reason let the cat (an indoor outdoor cat) out of the carrier with his elizabethan collar on in front of the open front door. The cat chose to run. My brother did the usual and couldn’t find him but did leave food out which was sometimes taken. A month later, a skinnier but still collared cat emerged from under the house asking to be let inside. And here’s another one: An acquaintance had an indoor only cat. The cat must have snuck out when some furniture was deliverd. They weren’t sure. They canvassed the neighborhood, put out litter, etc and kind of gave up. More posters, more canvassing, and found the cat living across the street. He’d gotten trapped in a garage, then found by the homeowers who figured he was a stray looking for a new home.


I am. Thank you for these stories.