Sitter has to pay veterinary expenses up front!

@Redlady Yes its definitely a question to ask before confirming. If the host is not helpful or organised in that respect it is better to decline- than to risk the potential stress… I could not bear a pet suffer or die -on my watch- because funds were not available for Vet care. Fortunately we have- till now- never been in that situation. Our hosts have always organised payments when treatment has been needed. My post above was worded strongly because I believe it is absolutely unfair, and wrong of THS, to put the onus on sitters. I simply do not and will not comply with that condition! Nor should you.


Deleting as no longer relevant.


@RosiePosie I am so sorry to hear that. Did that host pay you back promptly? And did you question them about why they did not use their account with the Vet? That sounds so unfair that because of that situation you now feel the need to leave THS. Why not just see that as an uncomfortable lesson learned and question/challenge all future hosts about their Vet arrangements? There are so many other ways HOs can make financial arrangements that do involve the sitter.

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After my experience with Riley, I’m letting already confirmed sits know that I need either a letter of authorization/assurance that any such expenses will be covered - 3 sits have agreed. Haven’t had an issue with anyone - current sit even left me $50 cash for anything that may come up - which of course won’t pay for anything at the vet. Riley’s parents wrote me a check for my expenses plus something extra for my extra care - they just did it, all I asked for was to cover the vet bill.


I did a sit with 2 older dogs and the HO left the credit card with me. I know there are horror stories of irresponsible sitters but I have 80+ reviews and people let me drive their cars - leaving a credit card doesn’t seem unreasonable if the HO is going to be out of touch.


Deleting as no longer relevant.


@RosiePosie that was a really ugly move on the part of the host to expect you to pay (as per the ridiculous t&cs) even when they had an account set up!!! Thank goodness for the savvy receptionist…
That would have made me so angry :rage: Did you mention this experience in your review?

Re- the T&Cs I do not believe they can be legally enforceable. We sign no legal contract with the host nor are we paid for our services.
If you have clarified the Vet situation with the host beforehand -and got something down in black & white- as back up- I don’t see how you could be held liable for anything by anybody.
Personally I think it is completely unnecessary scaremongering by THS. I cannot take that t&c seriously and will not be held to it.
The HO is ultimately responsible for all the costs, however they choose to organise it.
Sitters are not slaves. We are not under legal contract. We are unpaid volunteers and THS is basically just a matching site.
End of rant…