Depreciation might be the word you’re looking for.
I never told you how it ended. The house owner threatened me. But luckily nothing happened. I learned not to use complicated machines!
I agree. It’s case by case but if it’s something irreplaceable, why spoil the HO’s vacation?
Threaten you?! That’s so sad.
The extremes some people go to…
Threatened you with what?
I have had minor things break, a cheap wine glass, or a sauce pan with plastic on the handle that caught fire. I left money, more than enough, even though the HO said I didn’t have to, but I now carry a kettle and some cheap glassware. I don’t want the hassle of anything breaking. I would rather have my filter and funnel and kettle and make my own coffee. Because things break. Too many people talk about stuff that breaks. But it is like when you borrow something. If it breaks on your use, then you have to replace or repair it. In my opinion. Anything crazy expensive or complicated, I stay away from.
I’m so sorry @Kristina - threatening someone is not ok. Did you reach out to Membership Services?