Hello! I’m Jane and I live in Wisconsin in the US. I’m a mom to two grown sons who look skeptically at me when I say I’m flying across the country to stay at a house and take care of a pet for complete strangers. Although, by the time I’m heading out to do a sit, we no longer feel like strangers. For years I’ve been able to build an eclectic collection of friends around the world who feel so close in spite of the distance.
I have a rewarding career and have been able to work remote before it became so commonplace. I enjoy learning through my own exploration as well as from others. One of my proudest accomplishments is starting a podcast in 2016 and recording over 140 episodes talking with people who are following what lights them up in life.
In fact, I’m heading out to a repeat house site next week and taking time off of work to start up my podcast again. I’m planning to focus specifically on women painters & other fine arts creators. I’m so excited to be recording again!!
Two of my favorite things to ask new people I meet are to tell me 3 (or 10 depending on my mood and curiosity!) random facts about themselves. The kinds of things you wouldn’t find on their social media or CV. And then I make it a practice to ask people for one of their favorite songs. I have a playlist specifically for gifted songs - each one brings me back to that person
I’m actively looking for sits in northern California, Oregon and Washington in Fall/Winter 2022. I also so much home to finally take a trip to Europe in 2023 - although I’m not sure if I’ll do house sits my first time there. Other active dreams/goals/purposes - whatever you like - are to begin doing voiceovers for hire as well as start writing stories.
OK. That’s probably enough for right now!