

Born to care for animals. It’s a passion that’s born inside you. My greasiest gift of love came from caring for special needs farm animals. I needed them more than they needed me. I loved these animals. The down side was losing them. Each time one passed over a piece of my heart went with them. I cared for goats (goats are real characters and I truly loved caring for them, playing with them and living on them). We had goats of all kinds, cows, Alpacas, Zebu’s, horses, chicken’s of all types, turkeys, horses and miniature horses, rabbits, ducks, pigs, hogs, lambs, sheep’s and cows. Cows can sense if you are happy or sad, they will actually embrace you. We did cow hugging. Once people experience the sensation of a cow hug, many would break down and cry. A lot of emotions would be exposed. It was beautiful and amazing. One dwarf calf captured my heart, Duke.

I have spent equal time as well since a child caring for dogs and cats. There isn’t animal I wouldn’t fall in love with.