Hi I’m a recently retired palliative care nurse., turning 65 later this year. But hey it’s only a number. Age is important only if you are a wine or a cheese. I’ve got this huge sense of adventure and absolutely love travelling. I love people and believe a stranger is a friend that you haven’t met… yet😜. I love animals and am good with most of them… haven’t had much to do with horses…yet. Thought how better to combine both loves so here I am on THS. A conversation with a lady sitting next to me on a flight introduced me to THS and I couldn’t wait to join up as soon as I hung up my scrubs. I had done sits for friends in the past and was also on a pet sitting web site. I’m still learning to navigate around the app and this forum but hey I’m an intelligent savvy lady and will get the hang of it fairly quickly.
I’m from an English speaking background but can speak read and write in fluent Italian and Hindi. I can speak and read French and Spanish…just have to be in those countries for the language to flow. Otherwise I tend to revert to Italian.
I’m testing the waters with sits in the UK this year. Next year I hope to do the Schengen shuffle and spend a whole year or 2 in Europe. Once you do a 30 hour door to door trip from down under (Oz aka Australia) you don’t want to be heading back home after a 3 month stint.
So hello everyone on this amazing site. Hope to meet some of you in person some time in the future.