Allowing a Sitter to use your wifi

It’s stressful because there are so many warnings (usually from companies trying to sell security apps) and phishing and malware pop ups saying your device has been corrupted, etc, that it makes one edgy about what can and can’t be accessed if one’s Wi-Fi is breached.

When I have questions or are unclear about an issue, I appreciate when someone takes the time to explain so that I’m all that more knowledgeable.


I completely agree.

Giving out a wifi password is totally safe as far as your data is concerned. This only gives access to the router used for connection to the internet. It’s like having a password to turn the electricity or water on. No data is stored on or via the router. Your data is all on or via your computer/laptop/mobile phone so just make sure you have a password for these and then there’s nothing to worry about.


Giving your wifi password (always under the box if the owner has not changed it…) does not allow sitters to be connected to your computer files BUT if a sitter looks on forbidden sites by the law (pedophiles for example) it will be the owner who will face huge problems with the police…
Why? Because the IP adress is the one of the live box.

I do allow my sitters to use my wifi but i always hope they will never look on forbidden websites. You can never be sure…

Actually an IP address is given to each computer, tablet, phone connecting to a network. And since the owner is not in the house it would be easy for them to prove they weren’t in the home when a transgression took place. You couldn’t be responsible for instance for somebody hacking your network and using your internet connection. When a connection is made the type of device is known as well through the MAC address.

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As @gchampagne says, the IP address is given to the computer, laptop etc - not the modem. So my laptop has a different IP than yours, even if we use the exact same wifi

I have two Wi-Fi signals at home. One is quicker but has a shorter range that I use for work. The other one is slower but covers a larger area and I share it with guests.

Other advices are given : it seems rather dangerous

Not quite accurate. The IP address you have on the WiFi network is different but all devices use the same external IP address that is assigned to the internet-facing side of the modem/router when accessing websites etc. So the external website logs both of you as having the same IP address.

Hi @MelindaW
Let me see if I reassure you with over 30 years of internet use. Phishing and malware scams are used to try and hack your email account or your internet browser. They could happen regardless of what wifi you use (either your home secured or a hotels). There are scammers that will try and get you to join their wifi to intercept sensitive info so using a VPN in public wifi (like a coffee shop, hotel or airport that offers free internet) settings can be advised.
At home unless someone has your wifi password you are safe. Even if you give a wifi password to a guest (like a sitter) and they are not using your computer or laptop and you’re not using the same wifi at home (in exceptional circumstances) then they can’t access any private info like emails or stored data.

Not allowing a sitter to use your WiFi in this modern world we live in is like denying them access to clean running water.
I cannot see how they can get your private information just by giving them the access code. Considering they have the run of your home while you’re away, if they had any criminal intent I think they would find what they are looking for with a quick rummage through the kitchen doors.
The key word is in the title of the group - TRUST.

Oh, you are so kind, thank you!

Hi, Terry. As a Sitter, one of my Filtering options is having a Wi-Fi connection.
I would never apply to sit in a place without wifi access.
Nowadays, Wifi is almost as necessary as oxygen.

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I once saw an Airbnb that didn’t have Wifi ticked. Seemed strange so I wrote a note inquiring. The woman replied that, no the apartment did not have Wifi, “but we have DVDs!” She thought people only used Wifi for entertainment purposes.

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I run two companies from my laptop, would NEVER apply for a sit that does not have wifi.