But wait there is more…
Learn to speak the language!
American English is not the same as Anglish, British English or Island English…
A hob is a stove and AGA
A hoover is a vacuum cleaner
A lift is an elevator
the coach is the bus
the rail the train
the tube is the underground or the subway
like minding the gap and looking left instead of right
I can’t tell you the number of times a stranger gave a good tug in the arm to keep me upright.
These are examples But you must make sure that your sitter and HO are understanding what you mean.
Things that are routine and “normal” everyday stuff to one is not to another.
Common sense to you is not that common to another.
I spent 3 weeks in a 400+ thatched cottage eating ready made, microwavable or cold food, unless I could add hot water to it because I did not know how to use the massive 6 burner double oven gas thing in the kitchen and was afraid to start a fire. (That’s all changed now I am happy to say). Though I had no hesitancy starting a log fire.
So yes, communicate, speak up and ask again if you need to. Each party has to be comfortable.
The welcome guide is another way to be mindful of one another.