Deciphering different expressions

I stumbled upon this and thought it very apropos following recent posts related to misunderstandings arising from the way things are expressed and how they are actually understood (this is meant to be funny, not intended to make fun of anyone).


There was a recent thread where I wrote that this makes English really difficult: Is it ok to eat the hosts food? - #12 by pietkuip

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So true! :grinning: Coming from Belgium, I really struggled with the ‘fake politeness’ when living in the UK. I prefer the directness or some might say bluntness of the French or the Dutch. At least you know where you stand and don’t have to decipher what they really mean :grinning:

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That’s exactly the thread that made me think that these explanations came up at the right time on my FB feed. :grin:

@pietkuip that’s the thread I was thinking of too.

Statement-help yourself to anything you want to eat

Meaning - don’t help yourself to everything


Oh those Britishisms had me laughing out loud. As a Brit myself, I think we can be very indirect and really skirt around the issue(s) a lot of the time which can of course cause a breakdown in communication!

If a British person says to me, “We should meet up sometime.” I tend not to think too much of it and assume we’ll probably never see each other again!!! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Thanks for the giggles!

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I found this too if anyone wants to expand their knowledge :smiling_face: (choose a country, then “communication”)