Christmas 2023 in London

There’s a cable car from Greenwich over the Thames. There’s also a NYE something on in the Sky Garden. You need to book anything for NYE in the UK.

I won’t be in London, but have loved spending the holidays there before. If you’re open to spending, there are NYE cruises on the Thames (some with dinner) that pull right up to where the fireworks are launched, so you get a great unobstructed view.

It looks like a great party but not a good fit for me.

Hi there! I’m arriving in London on Dec 30 and will be there at least until Jan 9th.
About fireworks, I’ve seen them twice: once from Hampstead and the second time from Primrose. Wonderful view, if it’s not too cold!

If anyone wants to meet up and/or visit something together, I’m in!


Hi @Churra I will be cat sitting in Bethnal Green until 12/27 and Hammersmith until 1/6/24 will you be close to either of those areas?

This is bringing back fond memories of my first THS holiday - in a re-furbished 1930s mansion with a view of the sea on the south coast of England, two whippets and a bald cat, a clawfoot bathtub, and the clear instruction to make myself at home and help myself to everything.

I’m so excited for you and your first experience @Mom :sunflower:


The least expensive dinners with view of fireworks is IFS CLOUD CABLE CAR $280.
And the Giraffe restaurant £180
The cruises that are left are $300 +

I will be staying Wed and Thurs nights, pre petsit, near Borough Market.
Anyone want to meetup?
Ann Marie


Hi @ExploreDreamDiscover
I’ll be in London near Borough Market tomorrow afternoon/early evening. Happy to meet up. Let me know.

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@richten1 yes I would like to meet tomorrow. Can you set a meeting point and time.

Hi @ExploreDreamDiscover The Royal Oak 5pm?
I’m message you my phone/whatsapp details.

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I’ve found a NYE event to see the fireworks that fits my budget. If anyone is interested, here is the information.

Were you able to meet up with anyone? I’m here until Jan 9th if you are still interested in a get together
Ann Marie

Hi @ExploreDreamDiscover ! and Hi everyone!

I’m in my last days in London. My first housesit… it was a challenge: puppy dog, cat, fish and plants :sweat_smile:

Up to now it has been a nice time. I went to the city centre a couple of times but I didn’t do anything special in NYE. I hope you had a nice time there! I was busy the last days before coming, then I was focused in the new daily routines… and actually I’m not up very late usually, so I went to bed early in NYE as I would have done anywhere in the world, I think.

As I was walking the dogs several times a day, I met some locals. I reread the messages and I see you (@ExploreDreamDiscover) must be home already. Thank you for your messages and sorry for not reading before. I would have liked to meet.

Thank you all. I hope to be more active next time…