Christmas Sits - flexible dates

We are looking to go away for a few days at Christmas, not necessarily over Christmas Day, but at some point during the Christmas period. I’ve set my sit as flexible, but I’m not sure how appealing that is to sitters? Any advice? Do people want to sit over Christmas?? Does anyone have any experience? Thanks


May I suggest you advertise as soon as possible and mention your dates are flexible.
We sit most Xmas and New Years but confirmed our sit about a month ago.


Hi @JulesandBadger, Christmas/New Year sits have started being advertised at least a month ago so don’t hesitate for too much longer. Where you mention flexibility, just be thoughtful not wanting your sitters to arrive right on Christmas or New Year as public transport is an issue at that time which could rule out prospective sitters from applying who rely on it. Plenty of sitters enjoy sitting over the festive time. I’ve been booked since July but it is for owners I have sat for before.


Thanks. I listed the dates last night as flexible, we can work around sitters travel etc… :crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2::crossed_fingers:t2:

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We have no problems sitting over Christmas or NYE, but just want to avoid traffic chaos the 2 days before or potentially having to rely on public transport on the actual holidays. I think a semi-local sitter with their own vehicle would have more flexibility and would really enjoy Christmas away from home. Good luck!


Great question, as a nomad sitter I confirmed my Christmas sit last month. I much rather be in a home with animals over Christmas vs not. So I purposely looked for sits that were available on the holidays.
Regarding your question about setting your sit as flexible, I personally like reading in the post exactly what flexible means? Dates ect. Because as a full time sitter our string of sits are pretty calculated to the days we need before and after.
Love the HO questions for us sitters input. That is much appreciated!


@JulesandBadger, it is always fun to travel the holidays and I don’t think you should have any issue. I took a look at your profile and I might suggest you go ahead and change out your title to read something like “Spend Chiristmas in Beautiful Stanwick, UK - FLEXIBLE DATES”. That way, it will catch the eye of those looking for a sit during that time but also lets them see you can be somewhat flexible with the dates. I feel sitters really appreciate the option of finding sits that are flexible, especially if they are leaving one sit and heading to another.


Pet sitting is a special way to enjoy the festive period and there are many great articles on the blog to help sitters and pet parents plan and arrange the best stay for everyone involved …

Plan early to help sitters plan early too … it’s a peak travel time that is for both capacity and cost, last minute anytime can be challenging at Christmas it is almost impossible unless everyone is pretty local, but check out the blog for great tips and advice.


hi there Jules and Badger

I advertised a sit over Christmas and got a lovely couple apply within 2 days, so I would say yes, people want to sit over Christmas- it’s exciting to be away at this time of year.

I always sit over Christmas. It’s been for the same owner, and she reaches out to me well in advance. If she didn’t need me, though, I’d look for other holiday sits. I also sit over Thanksgiving.

Hi @Sally1. Welcome to the community forum, and thanks for jumping into the conversations. I’m glad you were able to find your holiday sitters so quickly.

Hi @JulesandBadger. Like @Edith, my husband and I look forward to pet sitting over Thanksgiving and Christmas, knowing we’re enabling others to enjoy their special holidays while we’re enjoying their lovely pets and, often, their very nicely decorated homes!:christmas_tree:

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We have done several Christmas Sits. Usually for around 3 weeks to cover the whole festive period. We sometimes see Sits starting or ending on Christmas day or NYE which I would not apply for.

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