Construction noise

I took a sit about a month ago and the HO just made me aware that there will be major construction the entire week of my stay from 7am-6pm. It will take place on both her street and cross street and it’s a major operation, meaning drills and jackhammers etc. I’m in the medical world and see patients from home via telehealth. I require, at the very least, a non disruptive space. I can feel how stressed out I am already at the thought of going through with this. It obviously puts us both in a bad situation…I’ve made all my plans around the sit…but I cant imagine enduring that and jeopardizing my work. I’ve been a sitter for a long time, have never cancelled a sit and have stayed in uncomfortable situations. This sit starts in five days. Any thoughts would be appreciated very much.

For how long had the HO known about this?

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I suggest noise cancelling headphones for working from home.

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If it’s in a town or city centre, then there is always a chance that would happen, so if that’s the case then I would grin and bear it, as you decided to chose that particular location. But if not, and it’s somewhere that should have been peaceful and quiet then it’s still a little tricky with just 5 days to go, the building works are not the HO’s fault unless they have known about it for a while, and it’s also not their fault that you are working, so maybe speak to the HO to see if there is any room in their place where it will be a little quieter for you to work to potentially help put your mind at ease.

What would you have done if you were at your own home and street construction was happening?

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@MaggieUU I would had tried to get away and find a sit somewhere. Anywhere! :slight_smile:


I am with HappyDeb on her grin and bear it suggestion. It probably won’t be that bad. Have lived through recent nearby construction. They usually started late, ended early and had meal breaks. The noise fades into the background

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Noise cancelling headphones are also a great suggestion! I think you have to roll with it, not the fault of the HO and happens in all cities. Good luck :crossed_fingers:t3:

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It doesn’t sound like it would be a good idea for you to continue with this sit. It seems like it would risk your job and also impact your patients. My suggestion would be to contact the owner as soon as possible, thank them for letting you know and ask that they relist and find another sitter.

If you did proceed are you able to maybe find a coworking space or something similar nearby? Some of them have small office or meeting rooms you may be able to use for quiet and privacy and perhaps they have a special price for a trial?

I’m not a fan of the martyr style of sitting where you’re expected to just “suck it up” and proceed no matter what changes in the sit. Possibly the owner selected you as you were going to be home all day working so they shouldn’t be too surprised to find construction noise is an issue. You need to put your patients needs and your job at least on the same level as your sitting commitment if not higher.
I’m a little surprised to find they only know about major construction 5 days ahead unless they only know as it has already started there.


Thank you all. I appreciate the different opinions. I gave it some thought and spoke with the HO. It’s a major city and a major street meaning they will be working straight through from 7Am onwards. Noise cancelling headphones are pretty useless in this scenario and there’s strict privacy laws that would prevent me from working in a co-working space or cafe, otherwise that would be a great alternative. It’s certainly not the fault of the HO as it’s a circumstance beyond either of our control, but I also cant risk my job or put my patients in that situation, and I took the sit under the condition of it being a good place to work from home. The HO understood this. By the description of the construction work, we both know how loud it will be. I’m sure she told me when she found out. We’ve had great communication up until then. We have agreed that I’ll start the sit on the day it starts and stay until the constructions starts. If it’s manageable, I’ll stay. If not, the neighbor will be able to help out. It’s not a very long sit, so I should be able to get myself an air bnb if need be. Again, really appreciate the help. My goal was to handle the situation responsibly, before I was in a situation wishing I’d handled it :slight_smile:


For what it’s worth, I think you made absolutely the right decision here. Due to the nature of your profession, your patients definitely need to be prioritised and this arrangement would’ve compromised anyone’s ability to focus given all the chaos and noise going on outside.


@hayhay123 . I did telehealth work from my home for several years until I retired in 2022. It was great: I would get up, have a shower, put on clean pajamas and go to work!! I really hope it all works out for you

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Comment deleted after reading the update which answered my comment. Sorry.

It is very possible that the Ho didn’t know about the construction when arranging her trip. If it is street work, this would often be impossible to predict. Even private construction can be erratic. I have construction next door to me that stopped and started for about 2 years before finally becoming regular. There could be 6 months of no activity, a week of work, then another few months of nothing. I warned sitters in my listing.

Edited to say that I wrote this before @Wildcolonialgirl deleted her comment.

His/ her clients will still hear the noise, that’s what stressing them out; “I’m in the medical world and see patients from home via telehealth. I require, at the very least, a non disruptive space.”

I’d cancel. Be polite, but explain that you can’t do your job because of the work going on in her street. You won’t enjoy it, unless you can find an internet cafe - office space to rent for the sit?

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Yes, I’m aware of her work requirements. A headset with noise-cancelling headphones and microphone will filter out much of the background noise. (I’ve had noisy hedge-cutters directly outside my closed windows and my phone and video callers assured me they could hear me perfectly well.)

@Carla as the OP has posted a solution to her issue and all is well from her end, would it not be prudent to close this topic now? This would avoid any further comments for an issue that has been resolved between the OP and the HO. Just keeps the Forum “tidy” as Jenny recently put it. No point people adding further comments?

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Thanks again to everyone for weighing in. I appreciate the thoughts and happy with the solution

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I totally agree with you about the martyrdom aspect. Whilst it’s always good to be accommodating in general, shifting and bending ourselves too much so we end up feeling like a pretzel and over extending ourselves can leave us feeling burnt out and taken advantage of. As with everything, there’s a fine line.