Contemplating NYC Sit

Thanks for your response. I appreciate the info very much. From what I’ve gathered, the closer I am to the Manhattan area the better. Also, checking profiles where it’s states like 1-2 subway stops away from a desired location to visit or a short distance via uber. I’ve also been googling neighborhood names, etc… I just read a profile for an area called Dumbo. That one really threw me a curve lol But, you’re right, I should approach any potential NYC city as I would any other. That’s why I Favorite desired possibilities and commence my background check from that point on. So once I apply I’m confident in my choice to do so. It’s just with NYC being so vast and unknown. I probably just need to do more research in general in regard to pointers in visiting NYC for the first time. As long as I don’t have to utilize intercity transportation a long distance to see any interesting sites NYC has to offer, I’m good. The last thing I’d want to do is to get lost in NYC! ha

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