It’s unfortunate your first sit did not go as you hoped. A couple of quick thoughts.
Yes, clear off your desk as the sitter will probably use it - especially in a small place like yours.
Make a good amount of room for the sitter’s stuff in drawers. You might even use a box or some of your own luggage to put your stuff in and then put it back when you return. Under the bed storage boxes can be a good idea. That way the sitter has a place for their stuff and you can put your stuff back easily when you return.
Room in the fridge and freezer and pantry, if possible is always beneficial to both sides. The sitter will buy food and staples that need storage.
Having sat primarily for cats and being a cat owner all my life, look at your place and see if it is “catified” (see Jackson Galaxy “My Cat from H…ll” show and Youtube.) To help your cats not claw furniture, get SERIOUS scratching posts that allow your cats a full stretch. Catification and proper scratching posts can greatly deter cats from scratching your furniture.
It sounds like a bit better communication during the sit might also be beneficial. Doors stick, things break or get broken, pets don’t act perfectly, etc.
Last, imagine you are the sitter coming to stay for a couple of months, walk in your front door and picture yourself settling in. Is everything how you would want it?
Please realize I’m not saying you were wrong about anything you did with your sit. These are simply suggestions that might help your future sits be successful.
Hoe this helps a bit!