Newbie here and just had my first sitter.
Despite their excellent care of my cats, I can’t say the same about my house.
Normally we do home exchanges but due to the length of our trip, we chose to look for a sitter.
Different people do things differently, but when I use the house, I keep is as it is, and never move anything, and if something breaks, even by accident, I pay for it. In my opinion, if I want a fully available house, I would use either or Airbnb, but exchanging houses is different since we are using people’s homes. I feel honored when they leave their stuff around, as a signal of trust and never ever touch them.
Apparently the door entrance key broke accidentally, but that implies I need to change the lock, and they don’t even offer to pay. Because they said there wasn’t enough space for their stuff, all my stuff are in different places like drawers or under the desk, and some furniture is more damaged than before (as a cat owner, I’m used to furniture damage), but this is in really bad shape.
Is this something that should be expected in THS? Has that ever happened to anyone? As home owners, are we expected to leave a perfectly available house and take out all our stuff?