Does anyone know of any countries that definitely permit unpaid housesitting on a tourist visa? That is, countries where you don’t have to worry you’ll be denied entry if you disclose you will be housesitting during your visit?
No, but I wouldn’t disclose I’m housesitting
A friend told me he’d seen a recent news story about an Australian sent home from Canada because they considered the unpaid pet sit to be compensation. Can’t find the story but I’m traveling to visit friends.
Entering the UK my last 2 times I went through the automated gates with no questions.
House sitting can be construed as work in many countries. We always indicate on visas or landing cards that the main purpose of our visit is tourism, which it is.
We always say we are on holiday, because we are. I seem to remember mentioning housesitting once but said we were looking after a friend’s dog. Which is also kind of true too.
I think from now on though, we will just stick with the vacation and not mention housesitting at all.
@toml the situation involved a member and a number of issues which happened at passport control.
Yes, it was posted here on the forum too
I recall early in my membership with THS, while reading through the website, that if asked at the border, to always reply that we are entering the country for travel purposes. If further questioned about location of accommodation, to have the name and address of the homeowners handy to provide. We consider the HO to be our friends, and would simply state staying with friends. None of these situations have occurred, as we rarely fly during our travels. Interestingly enough, and to our surprise, official border crossings (and customs) while traveling from country to country on a bus or train, and sometimes even a car, seem to be nonexistent.
We do at least half of our house sits out of our home country of Turkey & always take a tourist visa. Some don’t understand house sitting and some see it as a job, both of which just lead to complicated conversations….there’s no money exchanged so it’s not work.
“I am retired enjoying my life exploring and visiting new and old friends” if ever I am asked which is rare now.