Filling the gaps for nomads that go from sit to sit

@Robin There is an element of trust and luck involved when sitting full time trying to line up back to back sits. And sometimes, depending on where you are you need to be prepared for gaps where you’'ll have overnight costs.
Here’s our current experience…
We’ve just finished a Christmas sit in KL and have been staying on a bit in a serviced apartment downtown enjoying the city vibe and plotting our next move. We’ve been looking to fill the gap before returning to India in March to complete dental work.
We’ve had saved searches set up for weeks for all the countries around us, e g Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Vietnam and including Malaysia where we are now. We check the site multiple times a day and mostly there are no sits at all over here or the occasional (uninteresting)short ones that pop up and are gone very quickly. We were also considering monthly rentals in all of those places & just travelling a bit but tbh nothing was really inspiring or calling us and we’re not really in travel mode anyway! (Its been a busy year!) We kept thinking the least action would involve a long sit in Malaysia where we could just chill for a while and keep the costs down. However outside of Christmas & summer hols a long sit over here is practically impossible to get…!
And then a couple of days ago whilst searching, yet again, in Malaysia a sit popped up- literally as I was looking at the page! - 5.5 weeks starting in 10 days and entirely filling the gap till we need to be in India!! I was astonished!!, applied immediately, the host responded 5 minutes later, we set up a call, got on great, and confirmed the sit!! :star_struck: All so quick & its a perfect fit! Its a lovely home in gated community in southern Malaysia (new area for us) 2 sweet cats, gorgeous community pool & car included!! It costs just £10 to hop on a domestic flight down there from KL! Amazing luck (& gratitude to the universe for answering our call!) Sometimes magic really does happen! :star_struck::pray: