Help! Christmas/New Year sitter cancelled but flights booked!

Hello! First time here on the Forum and I am sure you will help or put us at ease.

We had a sitter booked for our 6 week sit which is over Christmas and New Year this year and booked our flights based on this. Unfortunately they have had to cancel due to health issues.

It is 2 months away but we are now stressing about not being able to find a new sitter.

Is it more difficult to find sitters for a longer period and over the holiday period?
Should we contact those who have saved our listing or is that a bit like stalking?

Any thoughts, comments and suggestions very welcome.


No definitely you can try contacting them - but also make sure your listing and dates are live and not paused and sitters will apply to you


Definitely contact anyone who saved your listing or previously applied but this has a really high failure rate. By far your best option is to make sure you have a really solid listing (feel free to ask for feedback from the group on how to optimize it) and get it re-listed. That’s almost certainly where you’ll find your sitter.

ETA - I see your sit is linked in your profile and it actually looks really good. Were I not already scheduled I’d consider applying and I’m sure you’ll find someone great.


Deep breaths…it’ll be okay! I, for one, welcome a longer sit over the Christmas and New Year period. Not only does it allow the sitter to settle in one place at a time when travelling is much busier than usual, but a six week sit is very appealing at any time, as moving about a lot can be quite taxing (I have stayed in 11 different places since May and am now delighted to now be in a 2-month sit!)

Also, 2 months is plenty of time. Many HOs don’t post their Christmas dates until December, so you have an advantage in this case. Perhaps if you post details of your sit and location here, it might pique the interest of some sitters. Wishing you the best!

EDIT: I too have just had a look at your sit and it looks amazing, very appealing indeed. I have no doubt you’ll find someone suitable, if not someone who has previously applied/ favourited.


Lovely looking sit @Kittymumdad and you already have 3 applicants! Fantastic!

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Welcome to the forum @Kittymumdad. I love Epsom and your cats look adorable. However due to family commitments I don’t sit over Xmas. Anyway you’ve got 3 applicants now so I’m sure you’ll be all set.

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I’ve looked at your listing I wouldn’t worry too much, Surrey is beautiful, and a longer duration with cats is the perfect sit at Christmas with those sitters that have family in the area, because they can have extra time with their family without being tied in the way sitters are with dogs.

I know it’s Christmas, I know you are panicing, but honestly, you should be able to find a sitter no problem, especially with cats.

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Thank you for replying & I’m pleased i linked ournprofile correctly! :rofl:

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Thank you! You’ve given me hope

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Yes, I’ve fiddled around with the listing as I think it was not showing and even found the boost button which was not there yesterday.
Fingers crossed!

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Thank you & fingers crossed

You’ll definitely get a lovely sitter, beautiful location, home and the most scrumptious kitties :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat:

Make your listing live and contact some of your previous applicants and anyone who saved your listing.

Six weeks over Christmas and new year is a prime sit you’ll have lots of applications.

There is so much time most people don’t advertise until much closer to the date so you have a large advantage.


You’ll be FINE!
Your home is lovely, kitties are cute, and MANY great sitters will LOVE a long holiday sit in your area!
In fact, if we hadn’t already booked 5 weeks ourselves, we’d apply!
Honestly, with 2-1/2 months to go? you have plenty of time.
We don’t book sits more than 2 months out unless they are repeat sits with people we know well.


@ASASG Think you meant this for @Kittymumdad!

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@Kittymumdad Just remember, if you don’t feel the vibe with any of your first batch of five applicants, you can decline (with a note of thanks, which is always appreciated) and un-pause your listing so that more sitters can apply. There will be a lot of interest in this sit (we’d most certainly apply if we didn’t already have a confirmed sit).


Thanks everyone! You have all been super helpful and positive and we now have a lovely couple confirmed for our sit!


Happypets is dead right.
(1) As said, even a one liner is appreciated when you Decline a Sitter: you may want that sitter for other reasons at a future time: why burn bridges!
(2) That said, look over the first 5 applicants: make room for new applicants by Declining any that raise red flags (never done a sit before, not much info about themselves or acknowledgement of what you’ve put in your post, “read-between-the-lines” cautions from previous HO)