My New Year sit HO said she didn’t need daily updates for a 3 night sit, but each day I had a message asking how things were going, before I’d even had a chance for a photo. As this particular HO was very thoughtful right from the start, including topping up the bowl of chocolates for me before she left, I don’t think she was worried about the animals, she just wanted to check things were ok. I’d sit for her again if I get the chance.
We always tell sitters that an update every few days is fine but I always find myself longing for an update every day.
One I recall where she was very clear she wanted photos and video daily was a week-long sit.
Our longer sits (2 weeks or more) it was obvious they wanted news daily or very nearly because if we went more than 2 days without photos they’d check in. I have not gotten in the habit of asking how often - I mean to then forget. But I’m really good about daily photos and news the first few days. If I don’t get replies from the hosts then I wait for replies before sending again. Sometimes after sending photos and updates I don’t hear back for a couple days from the hosts. I use this as an indicator of how much communication they need.
As others have said before, for short sits (1-2 weeks): I do daily updates
For longer sits (currently on 1 month sit): about every 2-3 days max
We have completed 70 house sits uk and overseas.
When l think about sharing my home and pets with a new person, l think l would like reassurance as well…
We ask the HO what they would prefer, video, text, pics. We usually do a daily video/pic and voice message or text. This can feel like you need to get the best pic or video to show the pets are happy and active, but l think most HO are happy to receive just something and miss their pets.
We don’t have a set time to contact, but l like that idea.
HO are very appreciative and enjoy the updates. We will tailor it depending on the length of our sit. We completed a 7 week HS in Perth and agreed to send maybe every other day.
We have had security cameras inside and out and laser security that linked to an agency and the police which needed to be in place 24/7. It was not the usual HS but we understood.
I think it’s just reassurance, especially being the first THS sitter as well …and… with the best will in the world, not all house sits go to plan for one or both parties.
This is wise. I have had a couple of HOs call me randomly, not understanding that I work full time and am busy/may be in a meeting or on deadline.
I have nothing to hide but wouldn’t appreciate security cameras inside the house. I would feel very awkward being watched by big brother.
Is the HO asking for a reply with every message? Or just sending messages about random stuff?
I don’t need daily updates as an HO - but also, my impression is that is the norm, or at least not unusual at all. I do tend to send occasional updates of my own on longer trips - to be friendly, not to badger the sitter. I get the sense from the forum that many sitters would not like this as they see it more as a business transaction, but also, feel free to just ignore if there isn’t a request for information?
I’ve been known to dance like nobody’s watching, and I would really prefer…that no one is actually watching.
As a sitter, I’ve had friendly hosts, who’ve also sent me photos of their adventures. I find that cool. But I’m flexible — I don’t need updates or chatting from them.
I sometimes ask how many updates hosts want, sometimes not. That’s because I can read their vibe when we chat (and if we hand off in person, which happens usually).
And I update every morning from the sit home time zone when the sit starts. I can tell by how enthusiastically the hosts reply — see how into updates they are. And if they’re not responsive, I might just tell them, no need to reply. That way, they can get updates without effort or obligation. Easy.
Worked great even when I’ve had hosts who’ve been sailing in and out of online range. They’ll see updates when they see them.
I stay flexible and get raves for communications. Takes me little effort.
To me, partnering with hosts is sort of like dancing. If you’re a strong dancer, you can read and adjust to your partner, so both of you enjoy the dance.
Any cameras inside have to be disclosed and disabled during a THS sit .
I am a dancer and if my dance partner holds me too tight so I can’t move, I tend to make myself free of his embrace. If the embrace is pleasant, sensitive to each others movement, It flows, just like life itself
For me, step one is to choose a partner who’s within reasonable fit. So that kind of partner, better to avoid.
Step two, is even with a reasonable partner, there’s a learning curve.
We actually love it when the HO’s send us pics of their own holiday, it’s lovely. But it depends on the connection you have with them. We very rarely get any additional home facts that they’ve forgot to tell us after the first 24 hours, so it’s usually fun and light hearted things.
We’ve completed 30+ sits, and a lot of those have asked for daily updates. Typically for the first few days we’ll send a few pics each day, then daily after that just one or two pics at the same time with a funny text, and about once per week we’ll write a little longer to say everything is still going great.
Personally if you feel instagram and all the rest of the updates are getting too much in the way of you relaxing, you need to set the ground rules and don’t ask if it’s okay, state it as a fact… but in a nice friendly way! I would message her to say, now you’ve been there a little while, you’ll message a pic or two once per day between 9am - 10am (depending on her time zone) unless there’s an emergency or you need extra info about anything, so then she knows when you’ll be in touch, and then you can switch off for the rest of the day, and she knows exactly what time you’ll have your phone on you.
We quite often take plenty of pics the day prior without sending them, because sometimes if we’re messaging at 9am - 10am, our furry friends are still sleepy so the pics aren’t the cutest, so it saves us thinking about it first thing, but we typically say when we message it’s from the day prior.
Hope things get better for you
For a 3 month sit, daily is a bit on the much side. Most of our long term sits ask for an update every few days. If they are a repeat, every 4-5 days. Shorter sits, daily is fine…but how many times can you say that a cat is fine and all is well for a three month sit? Besides, a cat only does so many things, so pictures would definitely be a burden. Here is the cat sleeping, here is the cat eating, here is the cat playing…andddd repeat. Lol
We do this too @HappyDeb
We just take lots of photos whenever we can. That way, if we have an agreed upon time (usually late morning for us) we can just pick which one we want to send. Found it much more tedious in the beginning to go grab a picture each day to send. You can’t force an animal into posing every single day (albeit a treat might help!)
That’s interesting, I have always sent owners a daily update. Sometimes it’s been requested , but not always.
I kinda thought that was the norm but I might suggest every few days in future!
I have motion sensors in most rooms
They were here when I moved in… they are part of the security system we don’t use. but the certainly aren’t cameras or monitoring anything. I can tell if I’m in the bedroom if my husband didn’t shut the door as that zone light is on for example.
I didn’t think to mention ?
On the panel you can see if motion is triggered somewhere in in the house- but not remotely etc. the alarm not armed.
I would think 3 months, probably wouldn’t require daily updates, but I could still see missing the cats terribly and wanting daily contact. I can also understand the anxiety a little more. While it might take time to send a daily update (2 minutes), you don’t need to compose a video. Just a short reminder that you are all okay and the cats miss her is the reassurance she needs. If she’s apping you and it’s disruptive throughout the day, you might suggest a weekly or twice-monthly 5 minute live video chat with the cats if you don’t think it’s too much of an invasion of your space. I’m sure she’d be grateful to see them and know that they are okay and it’s all going to be there for her when she gets back.
As much as I love my dog, I don’t need a daily update. Every few days is fine with me, but that’s just me.