Is this an indoor camera?

Its good to know as I’ve not housesitted yet and will make sure i check these things. Thank you

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Wishing you all the best for when you do get started with your sits! Hope you have some brilliant experiences but yes definitely a good idea to make a point of checking about the indoor camera situation first!

Hi @Chatsetchiens. How much have you used Google Lens or Google Image Search? They’re similar, and the former is what @Timshazz used to solve your query, as he mentioned. Next time you see something you don’t understand, you can immediately try either.

Actually, it’d be good practice to just try it now, taking another pic of the cat toy.

And if those fail, yes, why not post? :thinking:


I have to confess, I didn’t know about this feature otherwise I’d have tried it. That probably makes me sound very ignorant but I’m afraid it’s the truth.

That sit long since ended and I no longer have the images. I’ve moved on from the whole experience now but thanks for your input.

@Chatsetchiens i learn new things here on the forum all the time and a lot of it usually comes from @geoff.hom

R u kidding me, bait & switch on the apartment??!!!
Wow!! I’m so sorry this happened to you. What a freekin weasel!