Laundry Challenges

Plus, sometimes pets jump in, LOL.

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Yeah, I know in some places, washing machines are often in the kitchen. What do people in those places do to keep mold from growing? I think I’d rather get used to moving around the door than get used to musty-smelling clothes, if that’s my choice.

But maybe they’ll only do that once? :smiley:

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Have struck this too @botvot. Cleaned as best as I could. Owner actually commented in the review it had been done!

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Interesting! I’ve never seen a washing machine in the kitchen before. In Australia, we usually have a separate laundry room for that. It’s fascinating to learn how different our practices can be.

It’s often in cities, where people have limited space, like when I sat in London. When I worked in Hong Kong, our washer lived in the bathroom. In places where I’ve lived in the U.S. when I could afford only limited space when younger, the washer and dryer lived in a closet of their own. Since then, we’ve had laundry rooms. When I grew up in the tropics, our washer lived on our large balcony and we line-dried all of our clothes.

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Not had a big problem with washing machine mould to be fair, the detergent tray is cleaned regularly, as everyone should do regardless, but the door stays shut when not in use and certainly doesn’t smell. Our washing machine is relatively close to the outside door and would surely get knocked when coming in our out.
Everyones houses are different, we just have to deal with what we have. No drama, no fuss etc

A kitchen-based washing machine is very common in the uk, except for houses where there is a utility room or an attached garage. I’m so used to having the utility room that in my new place (1 level) I’ll be seeing if I can get it moved from the kitchen into the bathroom or a cupboard that has plumbing/electrics.

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An old toothbrush, a bit of multipurpose cleaner and a bit of elbow grease - sorted in 15 minutes. But should be the HO doing it regularly, not you though

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Had a sit once, where we had to unblock the vacuum cleaner before using it.
The motor would have burnt out soon i reckon.

Use a laundromat. In Barcelona there is one that is half cafe and serves beer and coffee and light meals.

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Yuk! But it does come out easily enough. Into a bowl of hot water and a bit of a scrub and it’ll come off….but not your job really. If I was a sitter I’d also take some washing machine cleaning tabs and run a hot wash to clean the machines too.