I thought a topic summarizing the things that sitters and owners feel should be requirements in listings might be good. So here goes…
I have done 27 sits over the past couple of years ranging from a week to a couple of months. All have been in the US or Canada.
Here are some things which would have made for better sits with fewer negative surprises.
Pictures of the living areas for the sitter:
living area/room,
From THS we need the picture captions visible on the website. Currently they are only visible on the app so if we find a sit on the website, then we have to go our phone app to see if there are captions.
Measurment of the bed in inches or centimeters(not just queen or full as many people get that wrong)
The Guide completed before the listing is posted. (Some owners promise to do it later but don’t). Whlle many owners like to provide a paper guide in their home, many times it may not agree with the THS Guide or be out of date, If the HO wants to provide their own Guide, it should be uploaded as a PDF and updated whenever things change. A complete Guide is best for the pets and HO and also helps protect against liability.
Ability to print the Guide as a PDF or on paper with ONE BUTTON. Some sits may not have access online so the Guide info is always needed for the best care of the pets and home.