Little things which mean a lot

In contrast to the ‘Little Irritations’ thread, what little things do you sitters hope to see on a sit?

We always like it when there’s a (clean) air fryer or multicooker and a good (but not too complicated) bean-to-cup coffee machine.


My favourite was where the host left a box with all the little thing that you might need and forgot to bring. Toothbrush/paste, paracetamol, cotton buds, feminine hygiene products etc
I didn’t use any of them but thought it was lovely


For me, it’s always a clean home, especially the bathrooms and kitchen. A comfortable bed and pillows with clean bedding. I travel minimally, but if they don’t have a Nespresso, I’ll bring my french press. If they have some milk for the next morning, that’s great. If not, I go out early and find a local coffee shop.

Part of what I like about traveling alone is that I can go to a market or an app and purchase something already prepared that I may not be able to find at home. it’s a nice break from the normal routine, so I don’t really need much more than the basics in the kitchen.


A home-made lemon drizzle cake and a waggy-tailed spaniel put a big smile on my face at my last sit!


A clean home and a well thought out welcome guide


A map with the nice footpaths for dog walks, with indicated locations of pubs and restaurants :slight_smile:


An electric kettle.

Coincidentally, my current hosts started explaining their coffee maker, which is fancier than normal, while showing me around. I said I prefer tea, so no need. Then they unexpectedly whipped out a rarely used electric kettle and a basketful of various teas, which they keep for guests.


We love it when an HO has herbs… whether they are in a garden, or in a pot on a window cill.


One of our HO is a fabulous host who leaves out lux skincare and hair products, hotel slippers etc. along with a welcoming hamper with wine etc. They really go the extra mile to make us feel welcome and appreciated :smiling_face:

It’s quite in contrast to a less than lovely experience we’ve had with a new host this week which has unfortunately left us with a cancelled sit and lots of expenses :roll_eyes:


Trust. It may seem a small word but for us it’s the ethos of the platform


Of course never expected, but a tiny little vase with a single cut flower in my guest room, makes me so happy. This makes me know they prepared the room with anticipation.


It’s rare I watch TV, so having the directions for using the 3+ remotes written down on paper that can be kept next to the remotes is always appreciated.


It’s probably not a little thing but it’s most important to me & that’s connecting with owners who understand fully the mutual nature of the exchange & show good hospitality. Being made to feel genuinely welcome makes all the difference - after all people won’t remember what you said but how you made them feel.


space in fridge and freezer


I would say «Thank you» and «hope you enjoy (-ed) your stay.»

It is really difficult to get my mind around why so few do that. Even among otherwise really friendly hosts.

I guess they think that the review is sufficient (?). Maybe it is me that thinks a review online and a Thanks to me are two different things. I always leave a Thank you-note.


That’s the big thing to me — if I don’t get a sense of that at the outset, I avoid the sit. So far so good. I’d say with all of my sits — I’m on my 18th so far — I’ve felt appreciated.

No matter how good a sit otherwise, hosts are the top potential dealbreaker to me. That’s because a lot can potentially go wrong on sits, since we’re taking responsibility for their homes and pets. If anything significant goes sideways, you’ll have to work things through with the hosts. If it’s a bad match, you’re in trouble. If it’s a good match, you’ll probably be able to work things out reasonably.

Plus, best to avoid irrational, entitled hosts at all costs. With them, the odds are stacked against any sitter, no matter how good, kind, flexible, etc. (The nicest folks — including people pleasers — actually tend to be taken advantage of, unfortunately. And some of them have martyr complex, which no one else appreciates.)

My POV is, I’m not paying a subscription fee and voluntarily doing work so I can end up with a sour taste because of any hosts. And while there’s no guarantee, to me it’s better to miss a sit over a false negative than risk a bad sit over a false positive. I don’t want to end up kicking myself afterward.


It really doesn’t take much too me or expense for a HO to show how much they appreciate the time, expense and effort travelled to a new place. The least they can do is to prepare a welcome basket with some thoughtful goodies🩷


Brilliant love this, how thoughtful of them!

Totally agree with you.

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Oh Becca, I would agree with that!!!

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