Hey eveyrone, I’m staying home for the summer which is unusual and will be with a kitty in a fun neighborhood for 7 weeks. As a local San Franciscan I’d be happy to show you a few of the lesser known nooks and crannies, and local neighborhoods as opposed to the typical tourist spots. I’m a pro at public transportation throughout the bay area as well. So, let’s meet up and I’d love to be your guide. You can always send me a private message as well.
Hi! I’ll be in SF starting 7/20 and would love to meet up. I lived in SF for a year recently but was traveling for work a lot so I’m excited to rediscover it and find some new hidden gems. I’ll message you directly would love to meet up.
Hi Steph,
Sounds great! Message me and will go from there. Which district in the city will you be in? I’m going to wait to see if anyone else is interested and I’ll coordinate something. I hope you’re having a great day, and I’ll look forward ot meeting up.
Would love that, San Fran is on my list. Im just busy the next few months and wont be looking for a sit there until later or next year. Really wanting to see Lavay Smith and her red hot skillet lickers while I’m there!! Not sure if you’ve heard of them, but if I do get a sit there in the future, I may bug you to see if you’re around at that time. Cheers
Ahh bummer you’re not going to be here, I’ve seen her before at a few different venues, although it’s been ages.
Let me know, i have private sits through February so it’s a possibility I’ll be around.
Great, thanks
Messaged you, thx.
Hi @Catgoddess_99 I’m just bumping this thread incase anyone is in San Francisco until September 15th and would like to join in.
Thanks i hope you’re well !
Just bumping this thread again for visibility.
Thanks, I’m home for another 3 weeks. The other woman who responded never replied back to my text.