Other duties Airbnb host?

As long as I am not expected to stay home at specific times to wait for deliveries I don’t mind taking in packages .

If they can be left in a safe space until I return home , I bring the parcels in once a day .I have done this on a sit with no pets - the deliveries weren’t every day . It was an equal exchange .

I certainly would not have agreed to it if it meant I had to schedule my day around their deliveries .

In most of the family homes where we have house sat and they have teenagers , numerous packages (Amazon, eBay , online clothes order etc ) are delivered throughout the week for Mum, Dad & Kids . These aren’t related to a business , just how family life is for many families these days .

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Yes, it is good for me. Life’s good. The pets are happy, apart from this torrential rain stopping today’s planned walk! And I’m catching up with all my online stuff I’ve been putting off during the good weather.
I’m not tied. If I’m there I sign, if im not they have to come back.
And modest or council houses don’t get packages delivered or have window cleaners, gardeners etc. ?