@CindyLou Thank you for the service you provide to those in need.
Here are my suggestions:
Embed your listing to your forum profile. Consider the constructive feedback you will receive from forum members and edit your listing accordingly. Make it as thorough as possible, but well laid out and organized. You really need to limit a sitter’s need to ask questions before deciding if they are a fit.
If you are able to provide a vehicle, great. If not, provide information for transit to reach you, public transit while at your home, options for delivery services for groceries, and such things as Uber. Also, what’s in walkable distance from your home, but define walkable as it’s subjective.
You need a similar ‘relief team’ in place to support the arriving sitters. Perhaps a neighbour who can be a resource, someone who can provide a ride to a veterinarian if circumstances warrant it, or who can handle the handover on arrival or departure. Realistically, this support is more important than for most sits, because of your timelines.
Keep in mind that listings can be boosted, either based on your membership level, or by contacting membership services, given the reason for your short notice.
Use the last-minute sits section on the forum. Every opportunity to promote your listing is important.
Ideally, approach some local sitters in advance. Once you’ve had some sits filled, approach that circle of local or repeat sitters, to see if anyone is available. It reduces the time it will take to confirm a sit.
Provide a comprehensive and extensive Welcome Guide and make sure it’s always current. It’s likely you will not be able to be easily reached while away, so it’s particularly important in your situation.