

Before inviting the sitters, did you check their calendar to make sure they were available?
We get so many invites to sit, when our THS calendar already shows we are already booked.

Just a thought.
Good luck!


See what I mean… complicated and confusing

I actually did check the calendar but sometimes it was a little confusing


I have found the same thing … like looking for your first job out of school; everyone wants experience but hard to get experience when you cant get your first appointment :frowning:


I appreciate everything you have said, very enlightening! Thank you :heart:

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As a home owner, I can’t imagine the work involved in searching for and inviting sitters. I post my listing and they come to me. It doesn’t get easier than that.

As a sitter, I don’t bother to have an updated calendar because I would prefer to search for sits rather than be approached by owners.


I disagree with removing this if that’s what they expect and they’re going to be militant about it. I surmise things about their personality based on this paragraph that would cause me to move on to the next sit. Yes, they have a better chance without it, and yes sitters are generally clean, but if they expect the home perfect it may not happen without someone who matches their personality. People make mistakes and everyone’s clean is different.


I really wasn’t being militant about cleaning, and I’m really quite relaxed about housekeeping, just thought I was supposed to be very specific. Apologies extended to all and now I return to the real me :person_gesturing_ok:


I would definite remove this paragraph. It might put people off your sit. Realistically your house is going to cleaned in the hours before you arrive home anyway, not days beforehand.
As a house owner I don’t care how dirty the house is while the sitter is in it only how clean it is when I get back to it.

Admin Notice: Edited to comply with posting guidelines


Well that’s interesting, thanks for clarifying for me.

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I agree so much that I have removed it and I thank you

Hi @Max2

I’ve had a look at your profile, you might want to clarify or make it clearer that the sitter/s will be using your room.

That’s how I read it as you state the 2nd bedroom is used as a playroom for your furbies. If that is the case then maybe confirm that there will be space in the closets etc for the sitter to use if a longer sit.

Also, think it was Colin that suggested clarifying where your pets sleep at night as not everyone is comfortable sharing their bed with pets.

Hope you’re successful with your search for a sitter.



I keep my calendar pretty up to date, but it really isn’t useful at all because I can’t indicate where I’m available on those dates. For example, I have a week open in July, but that week is between 2 sits in England, so I’m only available for England sits that specific week. It also wouldn’t make sense for me to keep changing my location since I’m looking for sits in multiple locations. It would be great if we could put available dates and location on the calendar. Then HOs could search and send invites to sitters specifically looking for sits in the HOs area. I’ve had to turn down all the invites I’ve received because they aren’t in the location where I will be on the proposed dates.

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Hi Maxine,
The only thing I see in your listing that might be off putting is your dog’s gland problem. I wouldn’t have a problem with it, but less experienced dog people might not want to deal with it. Nonetheless, it’s great that you included that info for the sake of clarity. I’ve never been to Wisconsin and I would apply to sit for you if your dates didn’t conflict with my existing commitments. Hang in there. It may take a while but you’ll find the right person!


Thanks! Maybe next time


Thanks for checking in! I will clarify both of the points you mentioned.
Thanks for the help,

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Hi Suz1A,
The gland issue really isn’t a major thing, maybe I can leave it out and then mention it when negotiations happen.

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Hi @AnotherPointOfView, you saying that this paragraph would cause you to move on to the next sit, to me confirms that the paragraph will put off some great sitters and hence, should be removed.

The scenario is that, with the paragraph removed, you accept the sit . You don’t follow the ‘expected’ cleaning regime to the letter but, at the end of the sit, do leave the home in as good or better condition than it was when you arrived (which I am sure is the normal thing to do for you and 99% of all sitters)

The end result - you have found a great sit and the home host has found a great sitter - Everyone’s a winner!


My mom is from Racine! :blush:

Right on Lake Michigan, which is pretty much the best lake ever. :1st_place_medal:


We are fairly new home owners here. We had a great sitter stay in March and are in a long weekend away now with another sitter. We also just confirmed a sitter in June. My experience with these may
Or may not be typical, but in all cases I posted the sit and then waited for sitters to apply. The first one was a longer sit and I posted it about 6 weeks in advance. We had 5 applications in the first 2 days. The current sit is just a long weekend, I posted it about 3-4 weeks in advance and had 3 applications within a couple of days. I posted the
June sit over 2 months in advance, and it was over 2
Weeks before we had any applications. My assumption from my experience so far is that many sitters may not be looking that far in advance. I would say just be patient and let people apply for your sit rather than trying to invite them.