I am trying to get my very first sit and would like to get timely responses from the Pet/Home owners. Several just do not respond that theyve even received my application. Ive tried to be patient for many days with still mostly no responses or very delayed.
Welcome to the forum.
I’m afraid that’s much more frequent than most sitters would like. There’s lots of threads on this topic but the main thing is to not be discouraged and keep trying.
I don’t know what your situation is but for the first sits it is usually a good idea to apply to fairly local sits, that’s usually attractive for owners because delays are less likely and sometimes you can meet prior to the sitting. It is also a good idea to apply for sits labeled “low applications”. Although that labeling is not always accurate but chances are there is not so much competition.
I’m sure you are going to love this.
Good luck.
These are all great suggestions by @newpetlover. Don’t be discouraged or give up, I’m sure there’s a sit out there for you! Just keep trying, apply to as many sits as you like, and I’m sure someone will get back you. Most of us give owners 3 days or so to respond, and if there’s no response we either send a follow up message (if we’re really keen on the listing), or cancel our application and keep applying to other sits. It’s just the nature of THS. Make sure your application message is personalised and clearly outlines why you would love their sit, what your experience is, and why you think you’d be a great match.
You can also link your sitter profile to your forum bio for members to view and give helpful feedback.
Best of luck!
If you would like timely responses, then you really need to be applying for sits that you think you may get or that might respond. So focus on getting a few reviews under your belt, for example, do a few local sits firstly, or last minute sits, as they are more likely to want to speak to you, as the local one may think that potentially you could help them in the future and also they will know you won’t have any transport difficulties in getting to them on time, and the last minute ones are keen to get someone fast.
So why would you expect that you were the top choice?
Apply for listings that are easier to get: short last-minute sits with few applicants.
After just one review, it will become much easier.
Try to apply for something that you might be especially suitable for, like a very local sit or a specific animal that you have lots of experience with. And write in the application why you’re such a great fit.
I got accepted for my first sit because it was for a budgie. I had owned budgies before and the owner was very happy I had experience with them. Not everyone wants to look after birds, but I love them! The sit was also very local, so getting it was very easy.
Hello there, welcome to the forum.
I am afraid that it is a common thing for pet owners to drag their feet about replying, not all of course.
I applied for a short sit three days ago, it took them a day to read my message, and no reply. The reviews on the owners are amazing and they have typed their profile up in a fantastic way. I would have thought they would have at least acknowledged my application, but alsas no.
It’s the nature of some people unfortunately. Some are brilliant online communicators and then others are not.
Keep trying though and don’t lose heart.
I actually mentioned on my first couple of applications that I just needed someone to trust me without reviews and get me rolling, that worked as I got them.
Sure, but in cases like this they wait for more applicants, they arrange a chat with another applicant (who has reviews). They may the offer the sit, that sitter may then take a day or so to confirm (because they also have other active applications).
And only then, the other applicants get a decline message. And there is really nothing to complain about.
Do you think that a sofa with cushions in disarray is better or worse than a nonresponsive owner?
The thread where a sitter is complaining about flowers…
Spyglass, where are you when we need you?
I been looking for a sitter, in Nova Scotia, you have the use of the main bedroom the whole house my cats are low maintenance, litter cleaning and loving them
Which one??
What have the flowers done to annoy the sitter?
It was tagged on to the thread about “choking on diffuser sticks”.
The entry about the flowers ended with “just a tip, don’t leave any strong smelling items in the sitters personal room”.
Well, just a tip: owners may require a sitter to sleep with the pet, but I have never seen sleeping with flowers among the responsibilities. One could even bin them
Hi @mmariapiehl
Have you created a listing?
Im sorry but what do you mean by a Listing?
@mmariapiehl , are you a paying member of THS? If so, hosts can create listings on the site / app. If you don’t know what that is, then search for Trusted Housesitters online and check it out.
This forum isn’t how sits are normally filled. The sitters on here are members and will want to see listings on the platform / app.
@MegWeekley is the OP of this thread and is a new sitter. I think she’s a bit confused by @mmariapiehl offering a sit in Nova Scotia. The question about listing was addressed to @mmariapiehl by @Peonie19.
Yes I am a paying member looking for my first sit on the Trusted Housesitters App. Thank you. Hopefully I will get one booked soon in VA!