Single vs couple applicants

We sit as a couple and for all except one of the sits we’ve done (20+) the home owners were couples too . All of the owners we have sat for have also had both solo sitters and couples previously .

We have seen many sits that state single female only , which we have obviously passed on .

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Maybe its a “if one is ill” or “if there’s an emergency” type thought process that a couple seems safer than a solo sitter. You’re great but they are two potential greats if I go for two sitters. #randomthoughtprocess

Yes, I suppose that makes sense, especially when it comes to a dog (i.e. who is going to walk the dog if the sitter is ill?) Also, two people are more likely to be able to fix things around the house than, well, me!

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My thought process as well @Cuttlefish :+1:

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Strange - I know I’m pretty new (coming up for 1 year, with 8 completed sits and 2 confirmed for Christmas and New Year), but I’ve not had a problem getting solo sits. I’ve not been turned down for any, and I’ve even had many invitations (some of which I’ve accepted). There are some sits that, as a solo sitter, I wouldn’t apply for, mainly if more than 2 dogs, or if larger dogs

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I think there are plenty of sits. Some hosts prefer couples, some prefer solos. Sometimes there’s a reason such as multiple large dogs or other responsibilities that would be better suited to a couple. Sometimes small homes might only have room for a solo. Although, I do find it a bit odd when I see listings for 1 cat that require a couple. But, hosts can have whatever preferences they would like. Just like sitters have our own preferences for the sits we apply to. It’s all about finding the right fit.

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@Colin from my own experience, I haven’t found this to be the case but it could well be but we don’t have the stats for it :wink:.

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@temba , There is definitely enough sits for everyone so it doesn’t matter really but, of the minority that specify, I do feel I see more ‘couples needed’ than ‘singles needed’ when I am looking through the listings.

We have missed out on a few that we would loved to have done except for the ‘singles only’ or ‘females only’ comment in the listing.

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Did the HOs specify in their listing that they wanted couples? If not, if HOs want couples, they should specify their preference in their listing. If you apply and do not know their preference, then it just wastes everyone’s time.

I travel solo and it is helpful when I see listings that prefer couples, so I do not waste my time in applying.

How would you quantify such a bias?

Although I see my share of preferences for HOs wanting couples, I also have seen my share of HOs who prefer solo sitters, preferably females. Whether or not HOs prefer one class over another-- I haven’t spent time counting and have better ways to utilize my time.

Interestingly enough, I have yet to come across a listing that specifically want male solo sitters.

HOs can choose whomever they want and what matters most is the love, care, and respect given to their pets.

I did a quick count , I’m currently lying on the beach and have no better way to utilize my time.

I have no idea how your response connects with my comment?!?

Sorry if that wasn’t clear. Your earlier comment was that there was more bias against solo sitters. Unless you count listing by listing, there is no quantifiable way to know for sure. Some may want to spend their time counting, but as I mentioned, I have better ways to utilize my time. And not to mention, not every HO states their explicit preference in their listings for one class over the other.

You responded to @temba that it doesn’t really matter. If you meant it doesn’t really matter if HOs prefer couples or vice versa, I agree it doesn’t matter.

Whomever the HO selects to care for their precious pets—What matters and is most important is the love, respect, and care given to pets—whether that be couples or solo sitters.

@sharondc no it wasn’t in the listing. I wouldn’t apply if they said they prefer couples. They were somewhat new to THS and I don’t think they realized that they should state it in the listing. Hopefully, they will add it to avoid wasting sitter’s time (and their time).

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I got rejected because they want a couple. One dog per person walking. Stated in responsibilities.

I’m one of those halves-of-a-couple-who-wrote-the-profile… The thing is, my partner doesn’t always come with me on sits. When I started sitting, he was still working full-time. So my sits were all solo and my profile was all about me, me, ME. Now that he’s sometimes included in the package, I’ve added a bit about him to the profile and said that HOs are most welcome to ask any questions about him, including for him to be included in video chats - although we don’t live together. Even if he’s only going to be on the sit for part of the time (he’s a busy boy in retirement!) I’m very glad to give the same info as for myself.
But he doesn’t always come along. Even if HOs are happy to host couples, there are some sits I just prefer to do alone, for all sorts of reasons.
But I did find it hard to figure out how much to say about my partner in the profile, since we don’t actually come as a couple… I can’t be the only one in this situation…

Are you saying you applied as a solo despite their having specified in their listing that they wanted a couple?

They didn’t quite specify couple but said the dogs had to be walked separately. I forget the exact wording, since it has been a while. But she is on her 3rd or 4th relisting. Late Jan in FL. it went very quickly originally, but she keeps declining and reposting so she is looking for something very specific.

Not so much bias, but HO’s personal preference. With the newly added feature which displays if the sit is open to couples, we can select whether to apply or not. If the sit is does not list “Open to applications from couples” and all previous sitters have been singles females, we usually don’t apply.

I’m in the same situation. I often travel solo but my partner and I are both well represented in the account.

If it happens to be a solo sit, I will clarify that when I apply that it will be just me that trip but the info for both of us is still clearly there.

As HOs, we want to know and see all the people who will be staying at our home represented and that they all demonstrate experience housesitting. Basically to know that both people staying at our house will be invested in the care of our home and our loved one.

If someone was going to be visiting for part of the stay who was not fully represented in the profile), we would probably ad minimum want their contact details, potentially ask to meet them and also know that they’ve read and understood the welcome guide. That being said, only one HS has ever asked; they were a repeat sitter that we trusted and their guest (who ended up not coming) is also a seasoned HS on the platform with profile history.

It’s a trusted network but from a security perspective, we still need transparency about the who’s in our home, etc. while we’re gone.

Sounds like a bullet dodged if that’s the case :sweat_smile: