Sitter Guides and Expectations

I have been using THS as a HO for over 20 sits and have loved the service … for the most part! My biggest issue has been the inconsistency on the cleanliness of my home when I return. A few sits ago, the floor was left a complete mess as the sitter did not vacuum when they left. This was a week-long sit, and I would have appreciated the floor to be tidy like I left it. The last sit, the bathroom was left a wreck! Hair everywhere, mirror filthy, and I won’t mention other gross details.
My question is, is there a guide that THS sends out to sitters that I can reference or copy into my own guide (they have one for HO, which is why I ask). I don’t want to “over ask” for things that the THS guidelines don’t specify, but I also don’t want to come home to the conditions I’ve experienced on my last few sits. I always indicate where the vacuum and cleaning supplies are, but I have not been overly specific/communicative on what I’d like other than to say “I’d like my home tidy like I left it for you.” I would like to be a better communicator in this area in the future. I tried to find this topic amongst the vast quantity of topics, but did not find anything that provided the sitter’s guide, or other detailed info that I can leave in my own guide in the future. Thank you in advance for your help!


@Twitcher beat me to it !

Please keep in mind that many sitters don’t receive this from THS I have never been sent it and so may be surprised that it exists and what it includes.

For example the majority of sitters do not launder pet beds especially on a weeks sit or less.


Absolutely agree. I will adjust my “asks” for the length of stay. I would only expect someone to tidy the floors (as necessary) and wipe down the bathroom, for a short stay! Appreciate your feedback.

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Thanks for the help! There is actually a LOT more on there than I would expect! We have sits anywhere from 5 days to a month, so I see why they list some of the extras in there. I will adjust my sitter instructions to include the verbiage from this based on length of stay. Really appreciate the help!!!


@HomeOwnerQuestions Hopefully you are also leaving an honest and factual review for each sitter.


I can’t imagine not cleaning the bathroom after staying in someone else’s house, that’s really gross :fearful:


This is the email that I get at the end of a sit:

The header of the email is: “Your Sit Ends in Two Days”.

The checklist and the “top tips” go to the 10-point list by Aunty Angela with its ridiculous requirements like washing the pet beds and replacing toilet paper.

I have never laundered the bed sheets. Vacuuming or mopping will mostly be necessary to clean up mud and pet hair. I generally get five stars.

At my place, I have guests like couchsurfers etcetera. I never expect them to do any vacuuming, mirror cleaning, etc. Yes, there may be some hair in the bathroom, I don’t get grossed out by that.

As you see, I am not typical of the virtue-signalling responses that are common on this forum. Anyway, I get reviews from owners that are very positive (“best sitter we have ever had”, etc), that also mention cleanliness in positive terms. Only once in 17 sits I had a negative on that, but that was because I had clashed with the HO about other matters.

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I’ve never received that email. Do we really need an email detailing how we should leave a property? I would take that as an insult. No matter the length of sit the home is left as I found it or rather better. I’m one of those people who tidy everyday, vacuum when needed and the shower gets cleaned when it looks grubby. The leaving day is a whirl of activity, washing bed linen and towels, scrubbing floors and dusting and vacuuming. If the homeowners are arriving early in the day I always ask if they want the washing done or just the beds stripped.
I pride myself on the cleanliness of the home when I leave.


@HomeOwnerQuestions It should be enough that you leave your home clean and tidy and request the sitters to return it likewise. I cannot understand sitters who do not show that basic level of respect.
It seems that some people really don’t have enough common sense and need to be fully instructed. Hence the THS cleaning guide which is occasionally, but not consistantly, sent out. THS must have received enough complaints to warrant this doc- which to the more courteous & conscientious among us is an insult to receive!
Going forwards I would suggest (if you are not already doing so) that you analyse sitters reviews more carefully regarding cleaning & focus more on those who’ve been praised for cleaning. You could also, in future video calls, mention that you’ve been disappointed on a couple of occasions coming back to a dirty home and that you would really appreciate a,b,c being done. If a potential sitter does not like to hear that , or does not reassure you they are happy with your expectations, then perhaps its better to move on.


@HomeOwnerQuestions I have my own departure checklist for thsitters.

So…think about what is most important to you to have done before departure and maybe make your own.

For examples, I don’t want the sheets laundered, I don’t want the hardwood floors mopped except spot mop kitchen with product I designate.

My list reminds what to set heat or AC temps.

To return garage door opener.

Close and lock all windows and doors.

Etc…so be sure you tailor your “list.”


I don’t think that those of us with different cleaning standards are “virtue-signalling.” We are expressing our real standards, not trying to prove how moral or virtuous we are.


There was a question about what guidance THS gives to sitters.

That is not answered by just expressing one’s own standards.

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It would not hurt to be more specific with your requests or instructions but you don’t want to sound too overly demanding. “Please leave my home as you found it” should really suffice.

Many Owners will casually mention or point out the closet or cupboard where they have the “cleaning supplies,” but what each Owner actually has varies a lot.

Typically I use different cleaning products for glass, counters, sinks, showers, floors, and toilets. So that is 4-6 separate cleaning agents. I use different tools to clean each of these. That is 6+ separate tools/cloths. I like to wear rubber gloves, which are rarely supplied, so I bring my own.

I wish Owners would make sure that everything is stocked and obvious. Brushes, sponges, rags, brooms, vacuums, and cleaning agents.


So true. And in a foreign country, brands and packaging are totally different than what one is used to. Colors in other countries can be totally unintuitive. The right bottle for the task may be very difficult to find (I have tried to understand labels in Spanish with Google translate on my phone).

Using the wrong cleaning agent can cause damage.


Yes, it would actually be great if Owners would label the products. They could use masking tape and a Sharpie pen.

“Kitchen floor”

And the various vacuums:

“Carpet and rugs”
“Hard floors”


So great you do this

Exactly, well said. Its back to the precious commodity of common sense again.

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I always try to leave the house in the same state I received it, or cleaner. As a houseguest I think this is just common curtesy whether I’m ‘Housesitting’ or just staying with friends.

Re the ‘laundering pet beds’ - I find this a bit weird as many pet beds are very hard to ‘launder’ without knowing how to do that (there may be covers that come off, etc) and generally it’s not easy to do with just a ‘normal’ washing machine. Some owners (inc me) don’t want their pet bedding washed using their machine as it can contribute to pet hairs on future human laundry for quite some time.

I’d suggest Admins (who you cannot tag apparently … screenshot att) do more thorough research about this … and other ‘check out’ items with HOs. Have you done a survey to see what HO generally want? Otherwise ‘Aunty Angela’s list’ is just something drafted by a copywriter (and as a copywriter I’d done a lot of these for $5 a post and zero info from the client).

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Welcome to Our Home: Housekeeping Expectations

Thank you for choosing to look after our home! We’ve enjoyed many positive experiences with house sitters and greatly value the effort each sitter brings. To ensure a mutually pleasant experience, here’s a little guidance on our housekeeping standards which help make your stay and our return home as smooth as possible.

Our Cleanliness Standards: We aim to hand over our home to you in immaculate condition and hope to find it in the same state upon our return. We understand that homes are for living, so we don’t expect the space to be cleaner than we left it, but we do hope it will be just as tidy.

Specific Areas of Focus:

  • Vacuuming: Please use the vacuum on the floors at least once during your stay and definitely before your departure. You can find the vacuum cleaner in the [specify location], with extra bags and filters located in the [specify location].
  • Bathroom: To keep the bathroom pleasant, please wipe down mirrors, manage any hair in the drains, and ensure surfaces are clean. Cleaning supplies are conveniently located under the sink.
  • Kitchen: A tidy kitchen is a happy kitchen! Please keep counters wiped down, and manage dishes and garbage regularly.

A bit of daily maintenance can make your stay more enjoyable and simplify your departure day tasks. We truly appreciate your efforts to maintain the cleanliness of our home, which enrich our house-sitting arrangements and ensure everything runs smoothly for all involved.

We’re here to help, so if you have any questions or need anything during your stay, don’t hesitate to reach out. We hope you find your stay comfortable and enjoyable!