Sitter review suggestion

I find it odd that there’s a review category for ‘Self-sufficient’ rather than ‘Communication’.

Recently had a great sitter who complained [after he left] that I didn’t have certain things in the house. I had them but forgot to tell him where they were, and he never asked.

I’d rather answer 20 calls/texts per day if it means that my pets and the sitter will have the best experience possible during the sit.


As it happens, I regard myself as self-sufficient so I’m glad the category exists! I will ask where things are/how things work etc but only after I’ve looked for them in all the usual places/downloaded the manual.

I guess you could respond to any review saying that you are happy to answer any in-sit queries and that you have updated your welcome guide.


Rather dark @AllTheFerretsDied :wink::smile:

We’re sitters and I’ve always presumed communication would be included within the ‘Reliable’ rating, because it would include everything from messaging and updates to turning up on time.

I think self-sufficient is a great category. It reveals quite a lot about a sitter.

The only things we really expect to be in a home, is pet food/supplies and enough toilet roll to see us through the majority of a week so we don’t need to rush to the shops and carry back big bags. Anything else is a bonus.

A lot of HO don’t like to be bugged after they leave so he may have made assumptions about that.

If he provided you with feedback though on what he couldn’t find, I’d just update my welcome doc(s) and keep it moving. We do overlaps at sot start which allow us to show our HS where everything is at but it’s not a must or everyone’s style.

Definitely sounds like a balance between “don’t ask don’t get” as well as just being as comprehensive as you can to anticipate the needs of an HS to help them feel at home and be as successful as possible while they sit for you.