Unwanted invitations

I’m not being snarky but they don’t even catch the ads that don’t comply with their regulations (no third parties, at least one overnight etc) so I’d be surprised if they’d catch lack of an intro. I am no longer sure if there is in fact any approval process prior to listings going live.

Apparently not because I looked into this not so long ago. I had a whole spate of invitations a while back to some of the most random, obscure places. A lot of them appeared to be in the middle of nowhere in locations I’d never even heard of to be quite honest. It was really starting to annoy me after a while.

The help desk advised me to insert in the text just underneath my name ‘Not currently taking on new bookings.’

That really caused it to ease off. I kept that up for a few months and then I decided to remove it. Thankfully, even though I do still get the odd invitation here and there, it’s nowhere near as often as it used to be.

Last Sunday, I got an invitation to look after a beautiful dog in a gorgeous home in Oslo which I’ve accepted. So, I’m now quite glad I made myself more available again or I’d have missed out. If you want to just give yourself a break from all the invites for a while, I’d definitely recommend writing ‘Currently not accepting new bookings’ and that will almost certainly take care of this issue.


Wow, can you write up my profile!! :grin: Very nice write up


Haha thanks! Should turn reworking people’s profiles into a business :rofl:

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