What do vegetarians feed their pets?

Agree that most vegans are likely fine with feeding animals meat products. As a vegan for many years, I had a regular sit where I was required to feed the dog raw mince which I had to roll up into little balls. It didn’t bother me at all.

I completely agree with your stance that we need to determine whether we, as sitters are able to comply with the requirements of a host before agreeing to a sit. I think having strong feelings in either direction is an impediment to a comfortable experience for both parties. I recently did a sit where there were a whole host of treats for the dog, including real bunny ears (with fur!). Fortunately, this was not a requirement but I’m sure I wouldn’t have been alone in having some objections about handling and feeding these to the dog!

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Most members don’t read these forums. THS is a matching service that offers little guidance about what should or shouldn’t be including in a listing. Hosts are also not “professional” hosts running airbnbs (mostly). So it really is the responsibility of the sitter to not only read the listing carefully, and really look at the photos, but to also ask questions and check for “dealbreakers” during the chat. You are right that hosts should include any unusual feeding requirements, but that doesn’t mean they will see this and do it.

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I assume that the “no meat” rule is for the sitters, not for the dogs. Most homeowners feed their dogs and cats normal pet food.

I’m vegetarian and feed my cat regular cat food. I say in my sitter profile that I’m vegetarian but that I don’t mind handling meat for pets. It was unpleasant dealing with raw minced beef on one sit, but I did it

True. I guess there are a lot of ‘in an ideal world…’ elements to pet sitting. If the possibility of feeding an animal a vegan or meat based diet is irksome to the sitter, this is something they will have to clarify. But I believe it is helpful to have an element of flexibility regarding the diets home owners feed their animals, regardless of one’s personal opinions.

The element of flexibility is an absolute must. As a catlady, I have many opinions about what cats “should” and shouldn’t be eating. I also have enough experience with individual cats to know that some cats do better on certain diets than others. When a sitter comes into my home, I expect them to put aside their “feelings” and trust that I know my cats better than they do. (Our current three aging cats each have slightly different nutritional needs.)

When I am in the sitter role, it’s the same thing. I’m following the directives of the homeowner.


We once did a sit for a dog whose family were vegan and who also fed the pooch vegan food. The poor thing was really not keen at all on his vegan food. Perhaps he was looking for a dietary change :crazy_face:

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